All by itself The Humble Sweet Potato colonized The World Review
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
The assignment discusses the argument that sweet potatoes came into existence on its own and not through the action of human beings. It uses sources to clarify the topic on the existence of sweet potatoes. The difference in age of existence between humans and sweet potatoes gives an impact that it is actually that sweet potatoes existed before humans. The phylogenetic analysis of the DNA of the crop, it is found that they actually have the same origin and supports that they actually existed all over the world on their own. Colonization of Polynesia by Americans did not bring about the existence of sweet potatoes as they were there before Americans traveled to Polynesia (Zimmer, 2018). It's a natural traveler" is a term that he uses to refer to sweet potato basing on the fact that he argues that sweet potatoes were not transported by humans.
The notion that sweet potatoes spread all over the world on their own rather than through the use and help of human influence is very interesting. In an article by Kerry Sheridan in comparing between which came earlier between potatoes and humans, he illustrates that sweet potatoes came earlier before humans came into existence. This article supports the topic (Which came first: The people or the sweet potatoes). He gives an example of research made by Oxford University researchers. Then the idea of growing maize was spread to all parts of the world because of human influence. This makes sweet potato to be unique on its own. In about 100, 000 years ago, sweet potatoes were found in Polynesia and human beings arrive at the New Guinea around 50,000 years later. This indicates that there is no any connection between works of humans to the availability of sweet potatoes all over the world.
The post disapproves the botanists' believe that sweet potatoes were brought by humans to other parts of the world. This brings a reflection that sweet potatoes are present all over the world not because of the human contribution to the process of transporting to new places but only through the process of moving on its own from one geographical location to another (Fox, 2018). The cellular biology article that concentrates on the analysis of DNA of sweet potato and other related crops highlights that sweet potato is type of crop species that is from a single origin. A single origin gives an explanation that this crop used by particularly humans comes from a single parent species of the sweet potato. The phylogenetic analysis shows that sweet potatoes are of single phylum which gives it a conclusion that it is really from the same ancestry (Rodriguez, et al.
Furthermore, the analysis shows that sweet potato is related to other plant species. People in Polynesia domesticated sweet potato before the influx of the Americans. America being believed as the origin of sweet potato, it gives assumption that human did not bring the existence of sweet potatoes in Polynesia. The sources give support to the topic of the paper that discusses the fact that sweet potatoes came into existence on its own but not through the action of human beings. Reference Rodriguez, P. M. All by Itself, the Humble Sweet Potato Colonized the World. Retrieved April 15, 2018, from https://www. nytimes. com/2018/04/12/science/sweet-potato-pacific-dna. html?rref=collection/sectioncollection/science&action=click&contentCollection=science®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront Which came first: The people or the sweet potatoes? (n.
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