Analysing Humorous Events and Character in Flannery O'Connor

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

Her recommendable work was appreciated by many which gave her the urge and opportunity to continue with her tremendous work. Her first novel was referred to as Wise blood which was first published in 1946 which combined the keen ear for common speech and caustic religious imagination (Leigh, 105). Nonetheless, she portrays a tragic style of humour in three of her narratives, that is, "A good man is hard to find," "Good country people" as well as "Revelation" as discussed in this essay. However, this humour may be considered dark, but it is essential in bringing out the theme of these short stories. Moreover, this literature work aims at effectively analysing the biases of the stubbornly domineering, overly intellectual and the spiritual bankrupt characters through dark humour. Nevertheless, she cares less for the state of her soul at the time of her imagined death and what she finds is the idea of prayers but was like she never knew or had forgotten how to pray.

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The misfit who was one of the gunmen openly rejects Jesus saying that he is doing all rights by himself. The grandmother's moves in every step signify that she thinks she is smart enough intellectually than everyone else starting from her decision to visit Tennessee and not Georgia to pleading with the Gunmen not to kill them as well as sneaking her cat into the car. Good country people" is the next short story by Flannery O'Connor. It presents three characters, that is, Mrs. He contribute to the humour in this story where he uses a cheerful voice, make jokes as well as making present laughs. Moreover, dominance is observed where the salesman feeds Hulga with all the clichés he wants her to hear. He goes to the extent of forcing Hulga to tell him that she loves him but Hulga calls him "poor baby" out of pity.

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Hulga had a wooden leg that joins her body which she cared for as a person would take care for his soul. She indulges herself into fantasy where she would run away with the salesman and allow him to take off her leg during the night and put it back every morning again. The white according to the story is seen as the intellectual and dominating the place compared to the blacks depicted in the conversation between Mary Grace's mother, Mrs. Turpin, and the white trashy woman about an idea of sending the black people back to their home in Africa. Mary gets furious with Mrs Turpin and flings her book at her face and physically attacks her, throttling her neck. Mary is a symbol of grace and spiritual bankruptcy observed in Mrs.

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Turpin require divine intervention to make her realize that her worldview is inconsistence with her Christianity. Turpin a warthog which disturbs her mind with intensity. It is therefore evident that usage of humour in the stories is conspicuous since, the author has embraced it in one way or another bringing out clear personalities of the characters in her stories. Work cited: Baumgaertner, Jill Peláez.  Flannery O'Connor: a proper scaring. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2013. HarperCollins, 2015.

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