Sustenance of Bakery Business

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

The purpose of this study is, therefore, to find out how outside-in marketing approach influences the sustainability of the bakery firms. Project Objective The bakery industry has remained essential in the society. It has exceptionally influenced the economy of the world as well as the health of human. The project will be said successful in achieving the defined objectives. These goals will direct the researchers to the kind of information to be acquired towards providing the intended impact and understanding of how to get the industry sustained within the economy. The study will as well aim at highlighting the influence that customer has to the business. Literature Review The bakery industry is essential in numerous ways to different people just the way other manufacturing industries take part in the development and strengthening of the world’s economy.

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From the bakery industry, bread, which is the most significant article of food, is baked. From the customers’ perspective, high-quality bread makes it possible for people to develop positive minds towards the product (Davis, 2011). From this positive thinking, customers will be able to increase their purchasing power hence increased revenues for the business. Customers’ perspective can be defined as the point of view in which customers look at the company’s products. The products from the company range from tangible finished products to intangible products such as the support staff services. Customers’ attitude Numerous studies show that the attitude of customers towards a company’s product is enough to either ruin or promote the company’s reputation. This is practical whereby the positive attitude of a customer will maintain the customer’s loyalty to the business and eventually will lead to the conversion of more customers when one markets the company through the word of mouth strategy (Bizmove.

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com. According to Bplans Blog (2017), sales of baked products can be increased through the attractive packaging and appearance of baked products is also the main factor for success. The outside-in approach, therefore, means that the bakery industry will depend on the consumers’ feedback to make necessary changes in the production of its products as far as the consumers’ preferences are concerned. Bakery industry can collect the customers’ views on the exact taste and preference of the brand they want in the market through numerous available channels. According to Ellison (2007), as much as there are a lot of channels that business use to collect data from customers, use of social media networks is critical. It has proved to be outstanding in the rank as the platform does not only ease the speed of relaying information but also reduces on the cost of the whole process (Kreutz, 2009).

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The study had a target of young people as well as adults, both males, and females, who are lovers of fast food processed from the bakery. It is believed that through the customers’ satisfaction behaviour, the bakery was able to understand its product quality and overall acceptance of the products within the market. The research design will involve the assessing and analyse of these customer behaviours. Subsequently, the external environment will be the interest of the project thus the engagement of customers as the primary variables of the research. The feedback provided by the customers (satisfaction behaviour) can be used by the management to make desirable changes concerning the customers’ preferences and overall bakery management. This information was retrieved from both online sources as well as the public libraries. Data collection approach The suitable method of collecting data was defined by providing first-hand information to the research.

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Designing and uploading online questionnaires will be the best data collection approach in this research. This is initiated by the fact that most of the internet users are middle-class individuals. The bakery customers and managers will be required to fill the online questionnaires administered to them through various social media sites where they could still submit their response via the same channel. Most of the bakery products are believed of the contained high level of sugar does their consumption being discouraged from managing obesity across the region (Jance, 2013). The campaign got some participants unwilling to provide information hence leaving the suspense as to how effective external environment based marketing approach can influence the bakery sector. Practically, the research was limited to the data collection method. It is appropriate to engage observation data collection mechanism which provides a way of understanding the internal environment before thinking of the external environment which determines the actual outside-in marketing practices.

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The research instead embraced the questionnaire which is limiting concerning examining the environment of the bakeries. com. How to Start a Bakery Business Guide PDF | Business Plan For Bakery PDF. Available at: https://www. bizmove. com/starting-business/how-to-start-a-bakery-business. Davis, D.  How to start a home-based bakery business. Guilford, Conn. Globe Pequot Press. Ellison, N.  Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 9(6), p. Kreutz, C. The next billion – the rise of social network sites in developing countries. Available at: http://www. web2fordev.

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