Analysis of Downtown Kent as a Historical Site

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

The current study finds an in-depth analysis of the historic Downtown Kent site. Besides, the research addresses the reasons that make the place to be historic, the purpose for its preservation and the individuals who were involved in its conservation and how the site is preserved. More importantly, an analysis and critique is conducted concerning the historic site. The research will also analyze the site’s trajectory future, pros, and cons associated with the site preservation, and draw a personal thought on what needs to be done differently concerning the site. The history of Downtown Kent preferably Kent, begins with Captain Samuel Brady in 1790. Later it attracted a businessperson Zenas Kent, which then the city was named after him. The site is historic for various reasons. One of the astounding reason that compels the city to be regarded as the historic site is the standing rock, which is situated in the middle of the Cuyahoga River.

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The current Standing Rock cemetery was constructed by John Davey after he came to Kent in year 1881. The rock is meticulously positioned and so fascinating that compels people to have the urge of seeing and get amazed at how the rock managed to be there (Peterson, 2017). In essence, the building is unassuming. The building featured dramatic arched windows and peculiar clinker bricks. The features make the site to be widely acknowledged due and are appealing to many people globally to have a view on the unique features of the building. Hometown Kent houses the Kent State University Museum, which mainly focusses on the history of decorative arts and fashion design in the United States and around the globe. This hence makes the University host annual cultural events. The bridge is historic as it was filled by debris as well as made of ‘casing’ of stone and demolition leftovers that were poured inside to ensure that the casing was filled.

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Finally, the city is regarded as a historic site due to the critical record of black squirrels that have spread in and around Kent city. The squirrels are presumably considered to be the unofficial mascots of both the University and town. This compels many people to come and see themassive number of black squirrels through the black squirrel festival that is conducted every fall of on the Kent State University. Reasons for the Preservation of Downtown Kent History of any place replicates on the rich and past the place once had, long ago during its founding. The historic site is categorically preserved as it plays a pivotal role in the economic bearing of the city. In essence, the money collected from the historic site visits is broadly used in determining the city wealth and expenditure.

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More so, the landmark site money is used in running the city’s welfares and programs. Hence to safeguard and have a guarantee on this aspect, the government and other stakeholders actively incorporate measures that aid in the preservation of the historic site. Since historical sites conservation is projected to bear a more labor-intensive significance, the Downtown Kent historical site saw the need of preserving the site to boost job opportunities creation. Ultimately, the historic site is preserved so as to be ranked amongst the best historical sites. This is because being ranked amongst the best it is poised to have many tourists visiting the ancient site, which results to more revenue collection. More importantly, the living standards of the community would have been improved. Thus, to have all the said benefits the government and other stakeholders are compelled in devising ways to have the historical site preserved.

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Individuals Involved in the Preservation of the Site and Methods used in Preservation of the Downtown Kent historical Site Many people took part in ensuring the Downtown Kent historical site was preserved. Additionally, the site was preserved by building a 360-space parking deck as well as bus transfer station (Kent Historical Society & Museum, 2018). Various non-profit organizations aided in the preservation of the Downtown Kent historical site. One of the notable organization is the Historical Society of Kent County. Ideally, the organizations werepurposely to aid the preservation of the site through the collection, and preservation of documents and data, which could help in the interpretation of the issues of Kent’s County’s history. More importantly, the society provided resources for local history through research library and programs, museums, and publications and website.

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Through the mission local groups such as MSK, the students provided labor through working as interns in schools. Additionally, MSK had a historic register designation for the buildings in the Downtown area as it took a lot of work in the collection of the intended information for the preservation process, students could help through conducting the research (Kent Historical Society & Museum, 2018). The Kent Downtown partnership is also amongst the notable organizations that propelled and ensured the Downtown Kent historical site was preserved for future purposes. The partnership is a non-profit organization, which is dedicated to promoting and serving the Downtown Kent site. The program having affiliated with the National Main Street Program to conserve the site in various ways. More importantly, the people will be able to know how to use the site without leaving any damage for future generations (Kent Historical Society & Museum, 2018).

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Additionally, the methods used are ideal as they help the historic site to take a look at its initial appearance. It is worth acknowledging that the preservation of the site through planting trees is ideal in fostering a beautiful and soothing environment for the site. Despite the historic site having employed meaningful ways to materialize the preservation of thesite, there is a need to have a more technical and updated approach to preserving the site. For instance, the site should be retained by use of modern techniques that bear the old look from its initial status. This is due to the multiple students admitted in the Kent State University depicting various cultures and in turn, they will be learning and sharing each other’s culture, thus spreading the culture amongst themselves.

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The Downtown Kent historical site is foreseen to be a place housing production plants and headquarters as opposed to having many warehouses and distribution centers. Thisis seen through the city leaders proposing the move of transforming Kent’s industrial valley(Hunter, 2018). Generally, Kent is projecting to attract more enterprises, which portray more paying jobs as compared to the low-paying warehouse. Typically, the idea behind the transformation of Kent’s industrial valley is to reduce to low costs and increase the chances of job employment opportunities. kentreporter. com/news/city-sees-new-opportunities-in-kent-industrial-valley/ Kent Downtown Partnership. What We Do. Retrieved from https://www. downtownkentwa.

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