Analysis of Sina Weibo
It is known as the Chinese social media because it was initiated in China and is mostly used by the Chinese people. It is like a combination of both Facebook and Twitter. It has more than 368m registered users with more than 100 million messages being sent over this platform in a day. in this way, people share information over this platform. The logic behind this project is to analyze the existence of social media in the market and discover what factors make a social media site or a blog stay on the digital dynamic market while other sites and blogs fail. Currently, the microblogs contain information created by the users themselves. Anyone with access to the internet can create contents in the microblogs (Chen et al, 980). This is because they are created in such a way that the communication and building of identity are their major goals.
The microblogs also put into practice diversity when it comes to the styles of writing and linguistics. This is because they are aware that there are diverse users of the blogs and therefore there need to be all types of styles. It can be used to provide information to upcoming microblogs that can be helpful in sustaining them in the digital world too. There are a lot of questions that surround this area of study. Some of them are the functions and settings of Sina Weibo, why it is special compares to other microblogs, how users benefit from it and their expectations, how this microblog makes profits and their market strategies, social issues such as gender participation, advantages and disadvantages of using the microblogs and finally the security of the microblog, that is, whether users are protected from cyberbullies and data breaches.
How Sina Weibo survives in the digital world is equally important because it gives insight as to how a company can survive in a changing world. That is my area of study. It can create a disaster or bring peace. It appeals to my thesis because one of the factors necessary for the survival of a microblog is its ability to be unique and the speed at which information is transmitted to different people. The mode used to perform this study was internet research where the authors researched what the Chinese internet was like via the same internet, a common method of research. This article mostly talks about the political implications of the internet in China. In the future, the research should be extended to other implications such as behavioral implications.
The author uses statistical methods to do his research and to come to a conclusion. This article, however, addresses the power of influence based on the number of followers a specific gender has. While the number of followers can determine one’s influence, it does not address whether these people have influence because they are public figures or because they are actually influential. A person can be influential and yet they are not a public figure. This gap needs to be addressed. Also, the fact that women on Weibo discuss feelings and the problems they are facing contribute to this stereotype (Lu, 03). Men generally speak about national affairs. The public affairs that women discuss online include breast cancer, taking care of the girl child and more (Lu, 04). These factors contribute to feminism in the Chinese cyberspace.
It is an important article in that it analyzes the use of social media by the female gender and it will contribute to my research on the survival of the microblogs in the digital world. This is of importance in my study because it is one of the tools that have enabled the survival of Sina Weibo in the digital market. Being able to reach out to people who use different languages is an important feature of a microblog (Ling et al, 340). The mode of study used here is data analysis. Data that contained parallel messages was extracted and used for research. Mathematical analysis of obtained data was used to conclude the effectiveness of multilingual messages. More factors should be included in order to draw a conclusion such as liking or commenting on a post.
A study of Twitter and Sina Weibo selfie-takers and the implications for marketers Selfies are very significant in today’s world, especially in the big data field. There are numerous selfies taken and posted in microblogs in a day (Ma et al, 139). Marketers have to monitor the selfies of their consumers on a daily basis. This is because from these selfies they get ideas on what their consumers need and they are used for marketing strategies. Guan, Wanqiu, et al. “Analyzing User Behavior of the Micro-Blogging Website Sina Weibo during Hot Social Events. ” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, vol. pp. Ling, Wang, et al. edu/2013/03/07/more-females-on-sina-weibo-but-less-influential-than-males/ Chen, Yi-Ru Regina, and Jiawei Sophia Fu. How to be heard on microblogs? Nonprofit organizations' follower networks and post features for information diffusion in China.
Information, Communication & Society 19.
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