Pros and cons of internet and social media

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Media

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All the media platforms are liable to capture and hence, convict criminals. In case there are bad plans which the criminals are managing, then it is easy for the government to track them using domain and IP address protocols (Sarker, 2015). However, sometimes social media platforms impact negatively during installation. The overall process of installation and maintenance is costly. Any business organization and the individual who wants internet have to use a lot of money to keep their servers connected. The creativity and the critical thinking are minimized by internet sources since students are highly reliable on this source. Hence, it is recommendable for students to use their mind and capability to make the right decisions when studying. Some schools are against utilization of media and networking (Jeske & Shultz 2016). For instance, Silicon Valley schools in Washington are raising their students in a tech-free environment.

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This enables students to engulf enough knowledge which can help them nature all the possible technicalities and eventually solve difficulty social life issues. During the interview, their answers are usually are filled with many grammatical and spelling errors. To add on that, social networking presents individuals who are uncivilized and their behaviors are really wanting. This is because 70% of the potential prospects have high references to social crimes, for instance, illegal drug trafficking, gun selling, prostitution, alcoholism, and murder. A good example is the former US representative Mr. Antony Weiner who was recruited via social media and later laid off after a scandal which involved twitter sexing. Secondly, students who have adverse usage of social media normally reported to have mental health problems compared with more than 21% who doesn't have time for social media.

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Social media and networking facilitate political and social change by introducing quick movement. This platform is costly free since it’s only done through mobilizing the people via cell phones, computer devices, and other gadgets. Dissemination of information is rapidly incorporated in various platforms to give the society the freedom to exhibit and enjoy the accustomed rights to their maximum (Sarker, 2015). Hence this is a motivation factor which incorporates thousands of many people to adhere to outstanding rulings so that we live in a crime-free society. Operations from the militants can be violated since the terrorists can find the best opportunity to ambush them and hence outdo their plans (Westerman 2016). For instance, in Bangladesh there were some bloggers who posted in Face book on the effects of atheism were predominantly reprimanded and killed by religious leaders who were against their postings.

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Another instance happened in Mexico when a certain blogger was killed by cartels on the basis of misunderstandings of what should be posted in social media. A lot of activists have been killed by tremendous curtails while trying to talk about social issues and wellbeing on how they should live peacefully to avoid further problems in future. On another note, social media reduces employee performance. This is essential since without unity in some communities, probably some problems may be experienced. The society, in general, has a number of accrued opportunities to offer education to the social media individuals. This can impact positively towards the way peaceful strategies are installed within the society (Pareek, 2016). People who use media and internet have a feeling of loneliness and isolation specifically to the less fortunate who are challenged physically.

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For youth with disabilities have been experiencing this tragedy since most of their posts are not commented. Aouragh, M. Social media, mediation and the Arab revolutions.  Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism, 482-515. Coulson, N. S.  Journal of medical Internet research, 18(4). Jeske, D. Shultz, K. S. Using social media content for screening in recruitment and selection: pros and cons. McGorry, P. D. A next-generation social media-based relapse prevention intervention for youth depression: Qualitative data on user experience outcomes for social networking, safety, and clinical benefit.  Internet Interventions, 9, 65-73. Sarker, A. S. Bowman, N. D. Learned risks and experienced rewards: Exploring the potential sources of students' attitudes toward social media and face-to-face communication.  The Internet and Higher Education, 31, 52-57.

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