Meta Themes on Cities
These two differences in views involved the degrees of primacy, and those cities at the highest end are considered to be primate cities. A demographic ratio was the most frequently relied on a measure of primacy. It helped to compare the size of the largest city in a nation to those of the other cities in the same nation. During the last decades of the twentieth century, the transnational linkages of cities grew in importance. The growing proportions of the economy were made of the imports and exports. The establishment of markets within different nations is what is referred as "emerging market" nations. Planning authorities at the district level have been authorized to prepare all detailed plans for their territories, excluding the regions labeled as "important areas" by the Municipal Planning Authority.
This quotation "important areas" from a second of the reading illustrates this meta-theme of labor and capital in that the planning authorities should work and provide enough capital in preparing detailed plans in other places except for these areas of special interests. These important areas maybe global cities having successful trades taking place within them. This quotation from Reading 6. One of the most emphasized characteristics has been differences in the wealth of the highest and lowest segment in these cities. After the substantial growth of middle class after several decades, especially in the most economically advanced nations, some continue to believe that the gap between the highest and the lowest classes was increasingly expanding bringing out the meta-theme of inequity in the global cities. Such a change would require the ‘average' cars to have an emissions profile of 90gCO2/km, which is less than the current benchmark level of 104gCO2/km, with half of the fuel that is still needed by these vehicles being sourced from second-generation biofuels.
This quotation from reading 5 shows the meta-theme of inequality in that there are two classes of people. There are those people with very high fuel consumptive rates as they are very expensive and those that are less expensive consuming very little fuels. During the farmer's trial, thousands of supporters showed up: teenagers, with green hair, middle-aged men with ponytails, and retirees, many wearing T-shirts with the slogan, "The world is not merchandise. And I'm not either. This quotation illustrated that no one has global influence and local control over both the world and the people. No one can offer the world for sale and the people in it. The materials used for shelter are also usually "temporary" and no building-permission is sought. In the same reading, this quotation so that the only recourse left for lower income group has been to live in the "hutments" commonly referred to as "slum" housing.
This illustrates the lack of vision in the people living in such areas as they believe that since they receive low income they cannot afford to live in any other place apart from the slums. However, it has attracted little foreign capital because of the lack of "planning advantages" for foreign investors. This quotation from reading two illustrate the meta-theme of vision through indicating how the authorities involved lacked the vision of putting up effective planning to help in attracting more foreign capital and investors. In case 2, the quotation Mumbai's approach of providing a "partial" property rights based on residence could prove counterproductive. University of Hong Kong. Gary Pisano, Pamela Adams, (2009). Global Supply Chain Strategy. Harvard University Press. David Banister, (2011). “Electric Vehicles in cities”. Harvard University. Alpana Sivam, (2003). “Housing Supply in Delhi.
Swinburne University. University of Hong Kong. Pisano, G. and Adams, P. Global Supply Chain Strategy. Harvard University Press. “Developing Asian Largest Slum (A). Harvard Business School. Yennga, K. “Electric Vehicles in cities”. Harvard University.
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