Language Learning Thesis

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Media

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Therefore, the research was to answer the question of using VR for learning of the second language. It was assumed that VR has a latent acquisition function for the second language so as to increase retention of memory since it is capable of producing a spatial presence and a greater immersion. Therefore, this was an innovative learning method of the second language since learners can subconsciously remember the words and simultaneously ensuring a virtual environment play. Answering this question formed the designing of making a comparison between the immersive and desktop learning based on the VR, and an analysis of the media impacts such as spatial memory, motivation, spatial learning, and motivation. We managed to create two different modules of Korean language and a test done to the participants who lacked prior learning experience of Korean language.

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However, despite the many benefits that come with L2, it is not quite easy to learn it. Besides, learning the second language reduces motivation and increases anxiety. It may as well influence the language learning attitude; an anxious student is more likely to avoid trying personal or difficult messages in the needed language (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986). It is, therefore, an efficient learning L2 should be addressed to assist the future learners. Implementation of L2 learning has been made easier with the rapid technological growth in the recent years. A. Kulik, Kulik, & Cohen, 1980; Waxman & Huang, 1996) believed that computer is capable of promotion of people in the acquisition of new languages since of its capability in the provision of several communicative activities, reduction of the learning anxieties and stress, and often provision of repeated lessons.

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There has been the inclination of some L2 learners in use of simulation computer games to help in the L2 learning. A study by Hegelheimer and Miller (2006) made an investigation on the structural play of The Sim original version in combination with support materials that are specially designed and was capable of allowing English L2 learning to make use of the game as well as use it in enhancing their vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Statistically, the researchers found out that there was a significant increase of about 30 vocabulary words that were exposed to learning during their study. There is an increased immersion which is responsible for the simulation of a virtual reality’s authentic environment. For instance, there an introduction of VR Labster by Bonde (2014), and it is a chemistry laboratory of virtual reality that comparing the three conditions of VR Labster, lecture and traditional.

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The effect was realized that the participants who had attempted to use laboratory of virtual reality were greater in performance by 14% than the students who traditional lecture was used to teach them since there is the provision of a higher presence sense by VR to create an authentic environment for the content. Besides, memory retention can be influenced by the presence. The vividness with which the interaction is communicated by message enhances the persuasive power, produces more central arguments vivid cognitive elaboration and ensures an increase of the memory of the relevant information use (Shaffer & Wu, 1987). In comparison to desktop-learning, VR has various potential elements of learning of language which necessitates verification and research as an education media. Overview of the paper The paper has five divisions: the introduction of the paper, literature reviews for the work, results of the methodology and discussion.

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The main aim of the research was the investigation on the virtual reality effectiveness as media for language learning. The research requires the definition of what is meant by desktop and reality-based learning, giving their comparison of the features of the learning methods. In the literature review, there is a division of the researchers into two sections: virtual reality as a tool for education technology and virtual reality for retention of memory. In the deep following of the methodology both in discussion and result, based on the research questions and hypothesis, a quantitative analysis was conducted by use of AMOS and SPSS including the analysis path. Therefore, an analysis was conducted for verification of the model proposed in the literature review. Finally, from the results, there was a conclusion of whether virtual reality is a good tool for educational language or not.

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References Biocca, Frank, & Delaney, Ben. Immersive virtual reality technology. Horwitz, Elaine K, Horwitz, Michael B, & Cope, Joann. Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern language journal, 70(2), 125-132. Iandoli, Louis J. Call and the Profession: The current state. The effectiveness of computer-based college teaching: A meta-analysis of findings. Review of Educational Research, 50(4), 525-544. Lai, Cheng-Chieh, & Kritsonis, William Allan. The advantages and disadvantages of computer technology in second language acquisition. Online Submission, 3(1). Retrieved April 12, 2017. Miller, Megan, & Hegelheimer, Volker. The SIMs meet ESL Incorporating authentic computer simulation games into the language classroom. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3(4), 311-328. Rose, Howard, & Billinghurst, Mark. per. spi. Swayne, M, & Messer, Andrea. Juggling languages can build better brains’ on. Science Daily.

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