Ancient Rome and Its Influence

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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During the early existence of this Romanian empire had influence from Etruscan civilization from the north. This civilization contributed a lot to the then cultural aspects of the Roman Empire. The culture of ancient Rome also had traits of Greek culture because of the rapidly expanding territories that later caused it to come into contact with the Greeks. Today there are several remains of a material culture that depict the political, social, religious and cultural aspects that have also influenced the structures of subsequent eras. Many structures and organizations of today have derived influence from the organization of institutions of Ancient Rome. Despite this, Christianity was spread in different areas across the world. One major feature of Ancient Rome is the statue of Moses by Michelangelo. In this statue, Moses is portrayed as having horns growing from his head rather than what one would normally expect a sign of light that depicts God’s presence or inspiration.

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The statue was curved for Pope Julius’ the second tomb. Moses is believed to be trying to refrain from a fury that later causes him to break the tablets after coming down from the mountain when he witnesses the Israelites engaging in idol worship. Additionally, there is also an illustration of the judgment day making it more real. Christian teachings of the judgment day compel people to be kind towards others and behave in ways that are acceptable before God in order to receive eternal life. During the middle ages, pictorial art was characterized by mosaics and mostly had religious symbolism. The apse Mosaic of the church of San Clemente is of the crucifixion of Christ. The piece of art also entails St. The church is a form of early evidence that ancient Rome believed and practiced Christianity.

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It is the very evidence that Christianity has existed for a very long time now especially Catholicism. The church still stands even today and still continues to maintain most of its original works since it was first built despite renovations that may have been made here and there. By being born into Christianity, this provides continuity for the religion since most of those that have been born into it continue to practice it and pass it on to their immediate and successive generations. Politics During Medieval Rome, there were major conflicts between politics and religion. The Fountain of Four Rivers is an indication of how far and wide the papal authority had expanded, to Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. The statue was in support of the court of arms of the papal authority at the time of Pope Innocent the tenth.

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Many countries have developed/ established a symbol or rather a coat of arms as a representation of their nationality. Nationality is the relationship between a particular given individual with a specific state. It is one’s sense of belonging to a particular country/ state. Rape cases as portrayed by the statue are still common today. There are still several rape cases in modern society. Rape of women was common in ancient societies and still common in modern societies (Gold, pg. This act positions women in a state of inferiority as compared to men. For a long time now, women have been regarded to be weak and inferior to men who are considered superior. Additionally, the learned Romanians engaged in learning as a form of leisure. Through these forms of interactions and exchange of ideas, it is the ancient civilization of Rome that contributed to the spread of Latin as a language.

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Latin has been known to be a base for several languages especially English which is currently widespread in the world. Latin has been used as a foundation for learning and understanding English as a language. To sum up, the various image that has been used have a significant meaning that demonstrates the religious values, political as well as the cultural aspects of the Romans. Danilevskii, Nikolai, and Stephen Woodburn.  Russia and Europe. Slavica Publishers, 2013. Gold, Barbara K. ed.

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