Animals should not be used for human entertainment essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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The materials used while driving these animals to respective locations include clubs, deprivation of food and the electric pods among others. There are very few animal exhibitors who have been licensed by the legal authorities and therefore it is possible for them to cause death to the animals while confining them into cages. It is also necessary to note that, the protection of animals used for human entertainment is minimal at the state and federal levels. The lovers of animal entertainment often claim that the use of these animals provides an excellent opportunity that allows them to be seen as opposed to watching them in televisions and movies. The idea is further supported due to its ability to restore endangered species. Due to such insemination, many animals undergo miscarriage; death and others reject their young ones at birth.

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This means that the mental state of the animals has been negatively affected and therefore creating devastating defects upon the rest of the life. Such animals with mental problems would not live for long but would be affected by illnesses and stress along the way and would finally die. Moreover, animal entertainment is risky to public safety because the majority of the animals turns rude in the process of entertainment and behaves violently to the tourists. It is not possible to predict when and how the animals would turn aggressive at any moment and therefore the best way to avoid such a challenge is to stop using them in such entertainment scenarios (Dance et al. It is, therefore, necessary to stop using animals for human entertainment to ensure they are not lonely and support their ability to select their mates freely and live actively without detrimental impacts on their health.

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Work Cited Wise, Steven.  Rattling the cage: Toward legal rights for animals. Da Capo Press, 2014. Franklin, Adrian.

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