Literary Connections to the Real World
The writer was essentially out to highlight a plight of a people; and how a little human compassion can go a long way into changing an individual’s life. Discussion The theme of generosity is closely tied to the whole plot of the story. It is worthwhile to remember that most of the African Americans who grew up in the Projects hardly got an education; were troubled with drugs and drug addiction as well as the prospects of crime. In Michael Lewis’ book, generosity is highlighted as a game changer for this. Most of these impoverished families are capable of success, only if they were offered the help that they needed to start off. Away from the overall common background identification as a pusher for people to act generously towards others, the book further suggests that people are generous to others because of a universal and abstract longing to help those in needy positions.
This sense of duty is tied to religious inclinations and is instilled from religious teachings. Particularly, Leigh Anne Tuohy is a pious woman and a Christian. He offers Michael the love and support that he needs to succeed in his studies and sports. She severally quotes that God had given her family money as a test of how they would handle it. By far, he is the only Black student at the Briarcrest Christian Academy, a fact that is made worse by the idea that he is also the biggest in both his class and the school. “Many people pointed out his unusual combination of size and speed. ” Further, in a rich neighborhood, he comes from an impoverished family in the inner-city. Generally, African Americans as well as other races of color have faced discrimination in the USA.
While the state is improving, the discrimination is still rife with police arrests, barring from certain public places and racism talks that sideline the African Americans as foreigners in the country. For instance, the police arrest him for no particular reason. While playing, racist fans hurl offensive slurs at him. “When he joins the university, he feels as a stranger. The place is racist and overly white. This is the situation that many African Americans face in their daily lives at the work place, schools and other institutions that are still rife with racism practices. The industry, as such, is painted as one that has its own ways and cultures. Ideally, the story takes a particular interest on the lengths and extends to which coaches and managers will go so as to have the best players in the industry in their teams and programs.
Further, the effect of all this scramble and heightened training on the players themselves is studied in detail. In the book, the author probes on why football is so important to many people. From the fans’ perspective, the writer poses that it is because it highlights “the best that the community has to offer”, is fun and enjoyable to watch, and also offers a chance for one community to compete against other communities. The best players generate a team the highest possible revenues in the industry, and this is a fact that the coaches and the mangers are fully aware of. From the book, towards the conclusion of Michael Oher’s high school football career, one is drawn to the attention that many Division I coaches try to convince him to join schools; as it is openly realized that he was going to make a good NFL player soon.
The author highlights the amount of money that is spend on the recruitment process by Michael’s story. The coaches that visit him and his family wear expensive suits, travel across the country and spend hours researching on how to woo Michael to their institutions. This emphasizes in the greatness of the football culture and the importance placed upon this culture. Michael later fled from the scene. He is not tried for beating up his teammate or accidentally injuring a child. Rather, his coach, Ted Orgeron, does not try to even reproach him for his actions, emotions and temper, but simply says, “It’s lonely at the top. ” Conclusion Literature does not exist in isolation, but rather looks at the real world and creates a thematic prose that readers can identify with.
In the book, “The Blind Side”, the author manages to connect and place the themes of generosity, racism and alienation and the football industry into the real world.
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