Argument Synthesis Research Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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The selected ethical problem is that of racism. Racism is the antagonism, prejudice, and discrimination directed to people of different races based on the perception that a specific race is superior to the other. This ethical issue is often referred to as racial discrimination because it is the belief that all members of each race have abilities, qualities, and traits which are specific for that race. As a result, these elements are unethically applied in distinguishing certain races as “inferior” to selected “superior” races. The rationale for selecting racial discrimination as the ethical problem is because racism has been practiced for centuries and still exists in the contemporary society. ’” As a result of such actions, there would be witnessed numerous cases of racial discrimination in the workplace. Chang (299) notes that during the 2012 election, politicians made utterances which depicted that they embraced racism in the workplace.

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One of the presidential candidates, Romney, propagated for racial discrimination in the entire United States workplace. This is in how he called for self-deportation of various individuals. In this context, self-deportation implies that individuals would decide on their own to go back to their countries because of the inability to find work in the US. This is because employees may have little or no regard for workplace diversity. Notably, workplace diversity in organizations contributes towards high revenues and increase employee productivity and performance. Racial segregation in the workplace may also influence job attitudes. Triana et al. write, “Minorities pay close attention to diversity issues and discrimination in the workplace. These assertions are supported by Chang who notes that the aspects of colormuteness and colorblindness had framed the Sanford Police Department’s choice to charge Zimmerman (Chang 307).

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This would consequently result in framing the prosecution’s case. The setback with racial profiling in the justice system is that it focuses on flawed thoughts about the relationship between crime and race. It is disadvantageous in how it assumes that a person’s racial background is linked to their appearance and consistency in committing crimes. Hence, racial profiling in the justice system is an ethical problem because it fails in how it argues that there is a direct connection between race and the propensity to engage in criminal activities. Racism discrimination in the Wall Street The other facet of racism is depicted in the issue of Occupy Movement. Chang, 296, reveals that following the 2008 market collapse, governments had facilitated the repudiation and bailout exercises of billions in financial institutions and corporate debts.

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At the same time, the governments allowed the indebtedness of ordinary individuals to be followed with a moralistic sequence by the financial institutions and corporate organizations (Chang 296). This illustrates how racism was allowed to play a significant role in the economy amidst the Occupy Wall Street movement. In disguise, the General Assembly facilitated the formulation of regulations which would enable the minority races to present their opinions towards the establishment of consensus. Generally, voter ID laws in the US are regulations which require an individual to offer various forms of official identification prior to being allowed to register for voting, obtain a ballot during an election, or vote. Krueger (2), states that the voter ID laws have had a huge disproportionate impact on low-income, black, and Latino voters. Suppressing voters regarding racial identity is unethical because it restricts people’s powers to exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms through voting.

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Further, Chang’s proposition is also supported by Rocha and Matsubayashi (2) by demonstrating that voter ID laws disorient involvement in politics, especially in groups which have been historically marginalized by the political system and activities in the US. The adoption of voter ID laws makes it difficult for individuals from the black and Latino communities living in the US to take in the democratic process of voting (Rocha & Matsubayashi 10). Employees should be made aware of diversity in the workplace, and this would enable them to focus more on the aspects which improve workplace links including an appreciation for differences and similarities and mutual respect for each other (Pumfrey 54). Creating awareness in the justice system would be crucial in the eradication of racial profiling of suspects. This awareness would also be vital to the Wall Street financial institutions to stop discriminating against people by race and nationality.

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Making the prosecution and defense teams aware of differences in behavior would assist them to avoid instances which may trigger racial profiling (Neubauer & Fradella 7). Through awareness, leaders in the workplace and justice systems will depict the appropriate behavior. The stakeholders in the justice system might also argue that racial profiling helps in the administration of justice. In this context, the stakeholders should be emancipated on the use other approaches to identify lawbreakers such as intelligence and forensic investigations rather than relying on racial profiling. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that racial discrimination is an ethical problem which was encountered in the past and exists in the contemporary community. Also, it is clear that there are various facets of racial discrimination which different authors put forth to demonstrate the existence of racism as an ethical problem.

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Further, there is need to consider the multiple recommendations which would contribute to the elimination of the different aspects of racial. ” Splinter, Splinternews. com, 26 Sept. splinternews. com/a-new-study-shows-just-how-destructive-and-racist-voter-1818814285. Neubauer, David W. The politics of race and voter ID laws in the states: The return of Jim Crow?" Political Research Quarterly 67. Triana, María del Carmen, Mevan Jayasinghe, and Jenna R. Pieper. Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior 36.

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