Artificial Intelligence Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Some of the projected risks involve the danger to humans mainly due to the developed weapons. However, it also has advantages such as reduction of error which will enhance its reliability. Introduction Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer or a robot working as instructed by a computer, to undertake the various activities related to the average person (Moravec 1). Artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing at a high rate. Notably, the most dominant theme concerns AI as a science fiction involving robots which depict characteristics like those of human beings. The field of AI was founded formally in 1956 in a conference in Dartmouth College. Fundamentally, the cognitive scientists who were present in this conference shared extremely positive views about the future of artificial intelligence. Marvin Minsky particularly noted that within a few years, the issues surrounding the creation of AI would be solved (Minsky, 2007, p.

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Despite the optimistic views concerning AI, the researchers found out that it was not as simple. As such, there were several reports which encompassed critics on the slow progress of AI. Although it may not be a primary concern in the case that a laptop crashes or gets hacked, it is more sensitive with the fact that an AI system performs what one wants to do with a car or airplane. Additionally, there is a challenge to limit the devastating effects that the possession of weapons could have on the society. However, the bigger question is the implications of a strong AI (GAI) and its systems, and possible consequences it could have if it can perform better than humans in all cognitive tasks. Mostly, the design for robust AI systems is a cognitive task in itself.

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In the case that such a system came into existence, it would end up with very efficient systems which would lead to self-improvement. The most convenient instance of what people are currently facing is the human evolution. Today, humans can control the whole earth. Significantly, the ability to control the universe is no based on the fact that people are active or significant, but more of the reason that humans are smart. In the case that there are systems which are brighter, people have no assurance that they will maintain their control on the social networks and the world in the broader perspective. In this regard, the promotion of human civilization is dependent on the ability of people to win the race regarding the increasing power of technology and the wisdom that we use to manage this technology.

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Additionally, technology has failed to design a car that uses electricity as the source of power in place of fuel. Although there are such cars, they cannot travel long distances before the driver has to stop and recharge the vehicles. Such attributed indicate that the development of AI is tough and that no particular person can provide an accurate timeline. On the other hand, another famous myth is that researchers will not release AI in this century. Studies depict a specific range of estimates on how far technology is yet to go. In an emergency state, the humans themselves would lose the capability to control the system which would be a high risk. Fundamentally, this risk is prevalent even with the narrow AI which becomes increasingly complex as the level of AI intelligence advance.

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Indeed, the primary goal of AI is to perform and operate in ways that are beneficial to humanity. However, it poses a high risk in an attempt to fulfill this objective if the society fails to align the goals of AI with those in the society. By all means, this is challenging based on that it concentrates on achieving what the human asks without considering the consequences involved. Researchers feed the robots with critical information, and they are sent to space for investigation. Mainly since they are machines whose material is metal bodies, they are more resistant and can endure the adverse physical conditions. The researchers take a good time creating and customizing the robots to withstand the hostile conditions in the atmosphere. Second, AI can efficiently explore delicate areas such as mining and fuel.

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Additionally, they can reach places which are dangerous for the average humans like on the ocean floors. Conclusion Humanity should expect artificial intelligence to continue growing as time progresses. Although there is no specific timeline, AI will overcome human intelligence. In such a case, humans will need to make good use of their wisdom to maintain control of the planet. The government ought to increase their funding and interest as it will make life and work easier. Works Cited Hammond, Daniel. be/~danny. deschreye/RiseofRobots. pdf>. Roco, M C and W S Bainbridge. Overview converging technologies for improving human performance.

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