Assisted Suicide Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Kass (1996); Kamisar (1993); E. In ancient days, assisted suicide was constantly viewed as an approach to keep individual’s honour. The main aim of the Chosen Controversy is to investigate and determine the social, legal, political, and economic controversies dominating the national and international scenes today. In the recent past, on the other hand, the assisted suicide has been seen as an adaptation to the advancement of modern medicinal technology. Innovative, advanced and expensive medical equipment’s have been made that extend the life of an individual. Kevorkian used a “suicide machine” he developed to assist suffering individuals end their lives. In as much as Kevorkian has been charged of many crimes in Michigan state, courts constantly failed to convict Kevorkian for his help in the deaths of many people (Cox (1993); Brody (1992)).

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Public debate on the issue of assisted suicide frequently concentrates on the “slippery slope” stand (Kamisar (1993)). This stand is of the argument that allowing behaviour will result to an increase of dangerous behaviour’s. Opponents are of the view that if assisted suicide is made legal for individuals who are terminally ill, then the acceptance of involuntary assisted suicide for vulnerable, elderly, or uninsured individuals will follow suit. The discussion on whether assisted suicide needs to be a legal practice is not probably to be agreed on in the days and years to come. Proponents and opponents on both sides of the divide will most likely pay close look to occurrences in the Oregon, and more likely other states and nations.

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The legal issues of physician-assisted suicide are in fact one of the issues debated on in Assisted Suicide (Current Controversies). Critics of assisted suicide such as Pope John Paul II, religious leaders, ethicists, and many other individuals who are of the opinion that assisted suicide is unethical since it contradicts what they belief to be God’s responsibility to decide a person’s death. In addition, many are opposed to assisted suicide since they consider that it degrades life and supports killing. In the previous years, she had also suffered a miscarriage, without any financial boost by his kinsmen, and then being left by his husband. She was yearning wanted to be death because she was physically challenged, emotionally distressed and severe mental torture (Cox (1993); Miller (1995); Mitchell (1996)).

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The medical facility failed to grant her to die. She was forced to eat. The case was brought before a California judge. They withdrew her treatments and she was finally death. It is notable that refusal to undertake Burdensome Treatment is in-fact assisted suicide. Julian Savulescu said “The trouble with do-gooders is that, despite the best intentions, they often fail to do well. ” It is clear that there was an agreement between the critics and proponents groups that Mrs F was to be allowed to die. It is from such cases that some countries have passed laws on how doctors should conduct themselves in cases of treatment and withdrawal of treatment to a terminally ill patient (Leon R. There are some misconceptions on the concept of assisted suicide, i.

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e. each one of us is scared of the imagination of a patient dying denied of his dignity and in a painfully unbearable body. In modern days, no individual should experience untold pain in an illness that is terminal in nature. There are drugs for suppressing pain can assure relieve of individuals in their experience of death. And that power may lead to corruption in the professional ethics of medicine. The main reason the American Medical Association has consistently, and with strong stand, opposed assisted suicide is due to compromise that may arise in the medical field (Mitchell (1996)). Another controversial issue is whether assisted suicide is an individual freedom. In 1994, a law suit was filed in New York by George Kingsley who was almost blind.

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