Becoming a Level 5 Manager Self Development Plan

Document Type:Personal Statement

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

My long-term professional goals are the achievement of a managerial position in a public service. However, my most preferred public service position is working in a Government sponsored community activism firm or the general Governmental administration. The development of this goal was influenced by the passion of contributing to the positive growth of our society. Apart from working for the public service, I would also love to venture into private managerial positions. However, working with a private organization that is directly linked to public service is my preference. The role of a manager in challenging situations is to develop ethical solutions that will help them handle the challenges professionally. The third goal was to develop effective and understandable oral and written communication skills. This is the main goal that would determine the success of my future career.

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Management involves communicating to people in different forms. Developing understandable communication skills would help build a successful career since manager’s deal with people from different social and educational backgrounds. This would enlighten me on the things to expect as a manager when handling tasks from both levels. The fifth goal, is the ability to apply critical thinking skills when making decisions. This is an important section in management. The success or failure of an organization depends on the decisions made by the management. Managerial duties can be overwhelming sometimes. For instance, an era where employees are using mobile applications to track and record their working hours will require me to have enough knowledge on the technology so that I will be able to provide the best service. Enlightening myself on the changes experienced in global affairs will also be beneficial to me (Eva, 2013).

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Achieving my educational goals will help me take bold steps towards any managerial position that will contribute to the growth of the society. Reflecting on and developing a self-assessment plan would also help me develop a strong foundation for my future managerial positions. In order to come up with the best analysis of my strength and weaknesses, I filled out a VARK questionnaire. My English skills are not at the best level. In order to address people well in future, I will be required to converse and write proper and understandable English. Being a native English speaker some people will not understand my statements since some of them are linked to my native way of thinking. Getting rid of my native accent will make oral presentations easy and people will be able to understand me well.

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Writing will also be easy since I will have advanced from using my native writing skills and learned how to write using grammatically correct sentences. For instance, I am currently reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey. Y, On becoming a Leader by Warren G. Bennis, Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman and Joe Knight and Leadership and Self Deception by Arbinger Institute. By the time I am done reading these books I will have acquired enough skills that will help me interact with people without worrying about any shortcomings. This will provide more experience and broaden the skills I will have acquired from the other education levels. The benefits of furthering my education will be the increase in skills and factors influencing the success of my career.

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For instance, my goal of working in a public institution will be fulfilled since by education level and experience will define the kind of manager I will become. Taking a PHD course will also play a big role in the development of effective communication skills. After fulfilling all these foals and implementing the self-development plans, I will be identified as a qualified level five manager. com/science/article/pii/S1877042810020926 Richardstep. com. “Free Aptitude Test – Find Your Strengths & Weaknesses” retrieved from: http://richardstep. com/richardstep-strengths-weaknesses-aptitude-test/.

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