Current and future wireless technology

Document Type:Personal Statement

Subject Area:Religion

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The mobile wireless network which is an existing technology has been continuously developed to match the current industry and consumer needs (Patwary). The latest development of the mobile wireless network is the 5G network, which have succeeded the 4G technology, and which further builds on the continuous wireless innovation. Description The 5th generation of wireless technology has become more dynamic and is efficient. The 5G network meets the diversified service requirement. The 5G cellular technology uses multiple input multiple out techniques to increase the data rate. The 5G uses shorter wavelengths and has directional control of the wavelengths as opposed to 4G, but both work if there is a direct sight of the base station and the device receiving the signal. Factors That Might Boost the Development of 5G Technologies The recent trends in demand for wireless connection suggest that the need for 5G will be strong.

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According to research in Australia, the consumer demand for wireless connection has exponentially grown since 2012 (ATTARAN). More recently, a higher demand for wireless connection exemplifies the preferences for better wireless connections that provide greater flexibility (ATTARAN). The realization that 5G can offer and meet the need of the contemporary internet user who has become more conscious of the speed and the reliability of connection will prompt further development of 5G (ATTARAN). The 5G network can be developed to have an accurate channel estimation, advanced signal processing and optimized network deployment (Fan, Jing Zhao and Chih-Lin). The 5G network has the potential to be modulated, precoded, introduction of diversity techniques and better waveforms to overcome the current challenges (Fan, Jing Zhao and Chih-Lin). Moreover, the high-speed users of 5G are faced with the challenge of mobility management due to high penetration loss, cell selection and frequent HOs, which in future need to be developed to have deployment optimization with Remote Radio Unit, geo aided fast HO, mobile relay and multi-connection.

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Benefits to the Companies 5G is a revolutionary wireless communication technology that is set to bring a positive and tremendous impact on the companies ‘there are far-reaching implications to companies and their future. As technology becomes widely adopted, companies across the board will enjoy the benefits of 5G, overcoming the challenges of physical limitation in intriguing way (Patwary). The possibility of vehicles being connected to others, infrastructure, pedestrians or application servers gives the opportunity of revolutionary experience in the industry (Shah). Advanced driving, which involves sharing data, sensor data and other information through cameras with other objects such as infrastructure is going to highly depend on 5G network. Moreover, another area in the automotive industry that the 5G network will revolutionize is cloud computing driving to make it possible to remotely drive vehicles which have disabled passenger or public transport (Shah).

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Challenges of 5G Development One of the significant issues that will hinder the development of the 5G network now and in the near future is the cost of infrastructure and software upgrades that will demand hundreds of thousands of new cell sites, central switches and the connective nodes and upgraded and redesigned mobile devices. The full transition from its predecessor, the 4G network, will require billions of dollars. The future looks bright for the 5G generation which has a potential to develop and become a change the world through the internet of things. Work cited Fan, Pingzhi, Jing Zhao, and I. Chih-Lin. G high mobility wireless communications: Challenges and solutions. China Communications 13. Shah, Agam. G Unleashes the Future. Mechanical Engineering Magazine Select Articles 141.

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