Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Recently, immigration has become a subject of debate among many in the United States. Ideally, the number of immigrants has risen tremendously. For instance, there are approximately eleven billion immigrants in the United States. Research has shown that immigration has not only resulted in population increment but also impacted on the cultural and religious aspects of the nation. It has benefitted the Americans in more than one way. Several opinions have been laid out on how the borders ought to be done. Many people raise their arguments against immigration and do not necessarily notice that the immigrants benefit the economy (Yoshida, pp. Further, economic, political and social aspects based on immigration have led to several controversies on the basis of ethnic setting, religion, economic benefits, job growth, job security, places where people live, work habits, social growth moral values and many other more.

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However, immigration is well known to form one of the present faces for the world. According to Lipsmeyer and Long, immigration cuts across all the directions and is based on development in a positive way. Recently, many states, counties and cities in the USA are seen welcoming foreigners with the aim of strengthening the economies that have started weakening. Immigration and the American Dream One popular argument against immigrants is the notion that foreigners are taking away jobs from the Americans. However, facts together with statistics indicate otherwise. They are actually taking jobs that Americans do not want to take. In fact, having more stringent would only close the doors to having better and more highly qualified people as well as those who are professionals. Another major decision is seeking citizenship in a new country.

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Up until today, most of the immigrants have been seen vowing to pledge their allegiance to the USA laws, being among the most patriotic people in the nation. History shows that among the first soldiers from America who died during the war with Iraq, was an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who only had a green card. Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez decided to join the US Navy even though he was in the country illegally (Greenwood & John, pp. In his research, Rienzo (pp. stated that, diversity is an important aspect in every community as it results into a society with diverse characteristics, views and ideas that could lead to great accomplishments. When the society is diversified, great creative ideas that could even change the world could come up. However, a society with the same kind of people will believe in the same thing, think and act alike making the place a boring one, something nobody would like to be a part of.

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With the best research and development universities, the US has been seen to welcome foreigners from all over the world to reward their creativity, great minds and innovation (Rienzo, pp. Have we ever wondered what life would be like if pizza from Italy, Chinese foods, Mexican delicacies, Vietnamese cuisines, among others, were to be taken away from us? They have become a part of the American tradition despite being introduced by foreigners (Gold, pp. Immigration, Learning and Cultural Sophistication Today, close to 30% of the Americans hold a passport. This is a small proportion. Thus, most of the cultural sophistication learned and adopted from foreigners who come into the country to settle in it. One argument against immigration is that it results in the loss if the American culture. When more people lay taxes, the standard of living for the benefit of all.

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Conclusion To conclude, foreigners have come to America from all over the world. Research shows that all these people had impacted on the cultural, religious, economic as well as history of the Americans in a positive way. All these immigrants leave their countries for particular reasons including, for better lives, improved family image, job stability as well as a beautiful home. However, Americans feel choked already, three hundreds of years since the nation began, with the increased numbers of immigrants in the nation. Immigration Benefits America. “Society,” vol.  46, no.  5, 2009, pp. Greenwood, Michael J. July 2006). “Ironies of Illegal Immigration,” USA Today, 135, (2734): 19 Karoly, Lynn, and Francisco Perez-Arce. Understanding the Costs and Benefits of State-Level Immigration Policies. Lipsmeyer, Christine S. and Ling Zhu. “Too Many Immigrants” and Discourses About Economic Costs and Benefits. Making Sense of Public Opinion, pp.

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Yoshida, Chisato. The Welfare Effects of Border Enforcement on Illegal Immigration. Illegal Immigration and Economic Welfare, 2000, 59-69.

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