Big Data Is Essential for Growth and Development

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

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However, the popularity of Big Data has steadily grown in the last decade with various organizations like Yahoo, Facebook, Google and Twitter raising the ethical issue of privacy. Recently, Facebook has been accused of providing access to its users’ data to organizations. As a result, numerous human rights activists have condemned this advocating for doing away with Big Data. Anti-Big Data argues that organizations may misuse such data. Additionally, Privacy is a primary human right that everyone needs to be granted. Government and commercial organizations are collecting, sharing and analyzing increased quantities of individual information regarding people over a progressively lengthy duration. With advances in technology, organizations have access to data at more intervals as well as at finer detail levels. New data storage techniques like cloud storage have proved to less costly and less efficient compared to initial technologies and contribute to vast amounts of data being retained for longer time durations.

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Likewise, advanced analytical capabilities enhance enormous data sets that infer new insights regarding human behaviors and characters. Evidently, organizations are collecting, storing and using more data regarding people than before hence raising concern on how private and secure people’s information is with the companies (Hassanien 401). have argued that organization store bid data about their users and use it for other purposes rather than the allowed even without notifying the users (Dey et al 10). Illustratively, Facebook has recently been accused of using user’s data by offering it to Trump's campaign team which enabled the team to send pro-Trump messages. Despite the factor that most of the stated arguments seem valid, there lacks enough evidence or research prove the allegation. To start with, Big Data is a new technology that has popularly risen in recent years.

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Initially, data analytics was still present and was even faced with the issue of security and privacy concerns. Additionally, to ensure that the data offered is not used for any other differences, the law mandates the use of strict limits while sharing data. Notably, through the use of regulatory rules, it is possible to eradicate the fear fueled by the uncertainty of who and for what reasons data is being offered to different agencies and corporations. By creating strict laws, it is easy to charge organizations who utilize user’s data for other purposes (Vermeulen 128). However, before that, it is inappropriate to accuse Facebook to misusing data in aiding political campaigns while the protection laws of USA do not state is as illegal. Notably, big data technology and analytics has various advantages, promises and offers excellent opportunities for achieving social and economic growth and development.

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There is enough evidence and studies are still being conducted on how to secure big data effectively. As a result, individuals against Big Data should join the research and contribute on how to make this technology more effective rather than hold campaigns against one of the most vital tools in the modern era required to fuel growth and development. Works Cited Top of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form Dey, Nilanjan, Vijender K. Solanki, and Sharvari Tamane. Privacy and Security Policies in Big Data. Oostveen, Manon. Protecting Individuals against the Negative Impact of Big Data: Potential and Limitations of the Privacy and Data Protection Law. Internet resource. Vermeulen, Gert, and Eva Lievens. Data Protection and Privacy Under Pressure: Transatlantic Tensions, Eu Surveillance, and Big Data.

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