Bill Gates the Foundational Tech Leader

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

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He has contributed a significant percentage of his wealth to providing unified access to education information and technology globally. His family foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, isin the forefront of implementing the practice, not only to his home country America but globally. His leadership while serving at Microsoft and currently at his foundation are the main attributes that identifies universal leadership concept. Keywords: Leadership, Education, Information Technology, Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Windows is an idea that put Microsoft on the leading edge of technology in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. At the time there were not many people let alone companies focusing on technology and its development. Most of the technological and computer staffs were left to the geniuses, which at the time of the nineteenth century were barely 0.

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of the global population. Adding to the fact that communication and education were limited to the developed countries and the few in the developing countries that could afford it (Maet al. For the six decades of his active involvement in the company most of the decisions from management, investments, technical, he has a significant role to play in steering the company to the success it had become. From an ordinary point of view, his responsibilities at the company may have seemedtoo much. In fact, any ordinary employee would consider the responsibilities a little too much. The factGates maintained these roles and position for most of his time at Microsoft is a demonstration of the efforts that pay off. His commitment to his company is significantly inspiring to not only the young generations but also to the already established businessmen, employees, and entrepreneurs.

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The fact that he is giving back to the community through a direct support of children to realize the efforts in his work and accomplishments should be a pointer success. Leadership acquired or as Greek philosophers argue it out, “Leadership is taken” Bill Gates had maintained his leadership role at some of the pivot points in the evolution of computers. It is his role in steering the revolution that has enabled the computers to develop into a daily use gadget that have become of them today. Still at Microsoft, the founder of windows and one of the main contributors to the evolution of computers through its development of windows. Gates active role will always be influential not only to the history of computers but to the concept of technology for centuries ahead.

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From the Information technology point of view, an operating system is the basic level of programming, at the same time it is the first level of computer interaction that users relate to. Therefore, it is in the same way, a gateway to computer use and learning. By inventing windows Microsoft, more specifically Bill Gates and his colleague's formed a breakthrough to increase how people related and used computers (Sykora, 2009) It is improved user interface designed by Microsoft windows that increased the number of users of Microsoft systems. The foundation of windows is the breakthrough that triggered a sense of fulfillment to Gates, therefore the definition of accomplishment and true success. Coupled with the fact he was the biggest shareholder at Microsoft, the great sales of Microsoft system related a corresponding material wealth, becoming one of the richest people in the world if not the richest, for over one decade.

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One of the most intriguing aspects of the foundation is the contribution to research and development projects that have the potentials of improving the human sustainability as creating a healthy environment. For instance the sponsorship of microbial fuel cell. Another relating contribution is the Cambridge scholarships. When everyone has equal access to quality education, then there comes significant change that is not sensitive to the cultural, ethical or political differences. A much stronger bond of educational connection will unify people. Most of the time as the CEO of the then biggest technological company, he was faced with tough choices, regardless the most important expectation was the fact that he had to deliver. This means that sometimes he had to buyoff some of the companies in favor of the transition of Microsoft as a corporation.

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The main message to the youth of the world is that nothing comes cheap and for everything to become what we want them to be we have to commit to them, do what is necessary to get them to the finish line. Because at the end of the day when we look back at the decision made, and the efforts contributed, we will be proud of our commitments. It is this drive that enabled Bill to keep the fire burning regardless of the hardship he faced during his time as a leader at Microsoft.  Platform leadership: How Intel, Microsoft, and Cisco drive industry innovation (Vol. pp. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. George, B.  Authentic leadership: Rediscovering the secrets to creating lasting value. Steiner, G. A. Steiner, J. F.  Business, government, and society (p.

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