Let's End the Death Penalty

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

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The use of the electric chair is also another widespread practice. The prisoner is strapped on a chair and fitted with two electrodes that create a direct current through the criminal's body (Galvin, 2015). Other common death penalties widely used include; beheading which is one of the most inhumane death penalty as well as stoning which is perhaps one of the oldest death penalty in the world. Even though death penalty through the above practices has been widely practiced around the world for a long period of time, many people are opposed to it perhaps because some types of a death penalty are inhuman, immoral, castigated towards a certain race as well as against the religious views. However, proponents of the death penalty around the globe have their arguments based on their personal views such as keeping criminals in custody has a high risk of escape which might lead to exceedingly capital crimes resulting from their retaliation.

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Why death penalty should not be abolished Even though the majority of the people around the world are for the abolishment of death penalties, there are a number of reasons as to why the death penalty should not be ended. To begin with, death penalty holds the criminals responsible for their capital offenses. Morally, justice requires all the offenders to be punished according to the magnitude of their criminal offenses. Justice does not guarantee sparing offenders or perhaps punishing the innocent ones on behalf of the offenders or perhaps for the sake of equality. Therefore, for serious criminal offenses, the equivalent punishment should be the death penalty. Unlike most of the criminal punishments, the death penalty cannot be revoked once issued. This unique character of the death penalty makes it hard to be eliminated once issued to any person even if he or she is innocent thereby leading to the execution of innocent people (Hoyle, 2016).

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For instance, in 1975, a Georgian citizen Charles was charged with gun violence and sentenced to a death penalty. In contrast, during the period when the criminal activity took place, evidence indicated that Charles was in Florida. However, his innocence was discovered three years later of spending a death sentence. High cost of death penalty As per the study carried out in Oklahoma, it was found that death penalties incur significantly a long period of time, huge efforts as well as very expensive compared to other less criminal punishments. The death penalty cases were found to cost taxpayers up to three times more than the normal cases thereby giving taxpayers too much burden. Further studies that were conducted between 2001 and 2015 found that an estimated $ 700,000 were incurred in a single death penalty proceeding (Collins, et al.

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Disappearance of death penalty Even though cases of death penalty execution increased rapidly to the maximum in 2015, the cases were counterbalanced by a sudden increase in the number of nations that abolished death penalties. During the same period, four nations which include, Madagascar, Fiji, Suriname, and Congo (Republic) abolished the death penalty (Babcock, 2018). Additionally, high costs resulting from the holding all the criminals in custody would be too high. Taxpayers will have to pay more taxes to accommodate criminals in the custody in which the high cost will negatively impact on the nation's economy. The following are some of the possible as well as notable solutions to the death penalty. Rehabilitation of the criminals Rehabilitation is one of the most effective ways of reducing criminal activities in the world. Many nations have established rehabilitation centers where criminals are taken and subjected to different corrective measures that aim at making the criminal a better person.

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In some cases, while serving life imprisonment, the criminals can be trained on how to perform some technical activities in which their earnings can be sent to their families for financial support particularly when the criminal in question was the sole provider for the family. Eradicating the source of problem Even though eradication of the problem is not popularly known as a solution to the death penalties, eradication of the root cause of criminal offense can be a good solution to the death penalty. For instance, if the security officer put extra efforts in dealing with criminals on their first instance of their criminal offense, these would result into few people being taken to jail hence fewer criminals in the death row. This solution will not only protect the Americans more but also even the criminals since they will be warned from their first criminal activity.

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When the criminals are caught in the offense, they are saved from repeating the same offense. Adequate alternatives have been fully implemented in the nation with almost every state restricting the death penalty. More Americans are for the idea of releasing victims after a number of years and that their families to be compensated for the misfortune that fell on them. With the support of the majority of Americans, there is a very high possibility the solutions to the death penalty will be very effective. Additionally, with the modern changes within the American judicial system, there are high possibilities that better alternatives to the death penalty will be effective as well as fully adopted by all the states as well as other nations around the world that are dragging in abolishing the death penalty.

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References Babcock, Sandra L. Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 14 (3), 10 Costello, M. E. Smashing the Tragic Illusion of Justice: The Reprehensibility of the Death Penalty in Virginia the Catholic Lawyer, 41 (3), 5. Galvin, A. Old Sparky: the electric chair and the history of the death penalty. The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive Rowman & Littlefield. Ryan, M. J. Science and the new rehabilitation Va. J.

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