Business ethics Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Philosophy

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This is because, for every decision that the managers would make, it would affect other several decisions in the whole management setup (Business Ethics: A European Review 27). Therefore, the managers are obliged to make a decision that would balance all the sides to ensure that a win-win condition is achieved. Even though some business fraternities may not have proper guidelines and rules for handling the ethical dilemmas, the managers of such businesses could use various steps to resolve the ethical problems. This paper would provide summary and analysis of various ethical dilemmas in different organizations The first case study is about Wilson Mutambara, an employee of NewCom. Wilson was raised in the slums outside Stanley town in Rambia. However, Wilson is facing various economic challenges since he was raised up from a poor family.

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He decided to support the family by saving part of the house allowance to pay school fees to the siblings at home. When confronted, he confessed that he would rather save part of the allowance to help the family than staying in an expensive, safe and quality house yet the children can afford to go to school (Corlett 6). Therefore, he questioned why he should be penalized if he lives economically to give his eight nieces and nephews a chance to go to school. According to Weston, Wilson had violated his duty to portray good image and professionalism concerning NewCom. Unethical behavior is portrayed in the way Walmart forces other companies out of the market due to its low-cost effectiveness. This in return leads to loss of jobs, disruption of local communities, and destroying the established business districts (Bowie 93).

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The third case study Hacking into Harvard was all about college applicants at top universities in the United States who followed the instructions provided by a hacker for logging into a restricted webpage to check their application status before it was made available by the university itself. What they did not think of od was that it could not take the business schools long to know what happened and that the schools could be very unhappy about the issue. This behavior is considered so unethical. The students used their own identifications and passwords to log into the system, but they never created the page. They could not change anything on the page or even view anyone else's information. At some point, the business schools are considered to have reacted ethically by not allowing the curious students chances of joining the schools.

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In so doing, it could act as a lesson to all other individuals on the proper code of ethics. One of the students confessed that he used poor judgment by him logging into the restricted webpage, which is so unethical. The implementation window was very short; the rushed schedule showed that they were not even concerned about the astronaut's safety. When the problem with the O-rings was raised, they were ignored by the management. The dilemma of whether to consider the safety of the astronauts or to listen to the management. Lack of proper involvement in important discussions and decisions and inadequate authority led to one of the most horrific accidents (Bowie 93). Another ethical issue was about the flight plan schedule versus the safety concerns. Enron's bankruptcy filing exposed the corporate scandals and the weaknesses of the firm.

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Enron collapsed due to the unethical behaviors of the top executives as discussed below: One of the ethical issues was a conflict of interest. The Enron management manipulated information to protect their interest as they deceive the public Inconsistent treatment of internal and external constituencies was also an ethical issue within the Enron firm. Enron's relationship with both the employees and the outsiders was not consistent. The average workers were being forced to put their retirement plans in Enron stock and then during the crucial period when the stock was in free fall are blocked from selling their shares. The Enron officials acted irresponsibly by not taking the needed action, failing to do proper oversight and failing too to manage the ethical issues that could arise within the company. After the collapse, no one stepped forward to accept any blame for what had happened.

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Greed was the main motivator of both managers and their subordinates at Enron. Greed was not only to the top Enron officials but also the junior employees (Bowie 93). The followers and even the leaders overlooked the negative impacts of the company’s ethics and business model due to the rising stock prices and extravagant rewards within the firm.  A. Immigration and Business Ethics. Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, 2018, pp. Role of Philosophy in Business Ethics. Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, 2018, pp.

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