Postmodernism versus Modernism
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Philosophy
During this period the spiritual importance was shifted towards searching for the abstract truth of life. People belonging to this period were interested in original work such as literature, paintings, sculptures, architecture, and poetry. Postmodernism began in 1968, which was right after modernism. Unlike modernism, postmodernism did not pay attention to original works and saw no truth in it. In this era, people believe more in the creation of applied arts and interdisciplinary studies. Second, in modernism reasoning originates and exists separately from the historical and cultural point of view. Its independence makes it take a universal form and operate on the foundation of truth. It is believable and can be pursued to accomplish some specific goals and objectives (Eaglestone, 2009). On the other hand, postmodernism does not provide means to evaluate ad judge different ideas to be true.
There are no independent thoughts because they are influenced by the cultural context, they are devoid of universality. On the other hand, postmodernism perceives language as a flexible tool that is influenced by the relationships of reason and power. Its applicability is seen to be messy. Equally, it does not carry any meaning and depends on the location it is used. Sixth, modernism shows that all cultures will be ready to embrace the truths because reason makes it universal, thereby easily acceptable (Dash, 2000). People from different places can identify with the dynamics involved in establishing a particular phenomenon. It is notable that expansive structures of science have always redeemed themselves ad upheld the primary tenet. Scientific conclusions are reached in the same manner applied in other human practice, where people reason so that to acquire power and class.
Moreover, Foucault argues that modern reasoning is intentional force subjected to individuals so that to dominate them. He believes modernistic theorists concentrated on the environment and repressed social and psychic forms. However, he focuses on authoritarian techniques used to control the lives of people. He argues that historical narratives even though they cannot be proved and deconstructed like the scientific knowledge, they need to be legitimized. In case a person is exposed to evidence that science is more powerful than religion, politics, and law, then it implies they lack the basis to manipulate and rule over people. Lyotard believes that knowledge in the postmodern era is not a preserve of the government, it, therefore, cannot be advanced as a tool of authority. He says “In the computer age, the question of knowledge is now more than ever a question of Government” (Lyotard & Bennington, 1999).
However, it is essential in tolerating uniqueness of individuals and enhances the ability of human beings to tolerate unpalatable prejudices Logical Thinking and Modernity Logical thinking is the ability of an individual to transition from one idea to another that is closely related. The acquired set of data is organized and linked to provide a given course of action. Fourth, reasoning, which allows persons to examine and evaluate different sets of knowledge. Fifth, analysis conclusions, where individuals ensure their feedback contains ad captures all aspects of an idea. Modernism involved using reasonably certain pieces of data that are reliable and verifiable to pursue a particular action or make a specific conclusion (Latham & Rogers, 2015). Scientific confirmations of existing phenomena allowed individuals during the modernist era to utilize particular strategies and leave out others.
Authors in this era are fond of combining the styles and concepts picked from different writers so that to make a new form (Dash, 2000). They equally allow their audience to be in a position to evaluate and blend with fictional nature of their pieces. Writers in postmodernism have internalized the art of appreciating other people’s works and acknowledging them in case they have referred to it. Besides, they use both actual and fictional things, but they do not separate and mention them independently. They explore the distrust in the existing structure and that of the self. Rogers, G. Modernism. London: Bloomsbury Publishing UK. Lyotard, J. Bennington, G.
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