Can we trust doctors research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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There is a significant level of trust in the doctors which Gallup poll reports to be at 87% which aligns with the medical profession objectives to be more trustworthy than that of other professions (Michelson & Sanghavi 2016). Britons and 100,000 Americans die every year due to doctors prescribed drugs and the tragic activity questions the trust of the medical system (Michelson & Sanghavi 2016). In the practice of medicine, doctors have been confirmed to make egregious mistakes which cause fatal consequences to the patients. Doctors are prone to errors and wrong judgments and therefore the trust should be limited to the specificity of the events (Krot & Rudawska, 2016). Doctors have in the past given a clean health bill to patients only for the patient to die at the doctors’ doorstep and on other occasions the wrong analysis of the x-ray for cancer patients only to be realized during the chronic stages.

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Patients trust in doctors is declining due to the clinical judgments based on the financial incentives and individuals' conditional experiences. Medicine commercialization To start with, the creep of the medicine commercialization is the attribute to the reduced trust in the medical settings between the patient and doctor (Nissen, 2018). There is a conflict of interest between the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors which have deteriorated the professionalism through an increase in the focus on the profits with less concern to the patients (Campbell, 2017). The doctor-patient relationship is attributed to the practical benefit of the medical system and therefore the distrust. There is the increase of the dark heart of the medicine through which the drugs given to the patients is manipulated between doctors and the pharmaceutical companies. Drug prescription The covert and overt ways of drug prescription are influenced by the drug companies.

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Doctors are paid by the pharmaceutical companies to put some patients on new drugs which are not yet approved by the CDC, Medicaid, and AMA (Nissen, 2018). There are covert ways through which the doctors pass the patient information on prescription to the regulators who in turn sell the information to the data companies which ultimately is sold to the drug companies. In 2017 the American Medical Association sold patient prescription information to the records and data company AMA and earned $44m (Nissen, 2018). The IMS health which is the data company later sold the information to pharmaceutical companies which earned the institution $1. Doctors hide behind the pharmaceutical companies and the medical sales representatives in case of lawsuits which have led to patient health damage. In new jersey, an article by the New York Times reports on a case where Merck a doctor presented false evidence on Vioxx drug which led to $4.

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and $9 million punitive damages (Rost, 2017). What compromises the professional of doctors is the gifts, dinners, and drug ambassadors which limit effective care delivery to the patients. The system which the doctors inherit from the peers in that of expensive prescription of drugs, and the testing of the most recent and least tested drugs on patients without care to adverse effects on patients. The cancer treatment for adolescent and children has decreased by about 50% due to the early diagnosis and doctor approach (Campbell, 2017). To counteract distrust, doctors are certified and prescribe treatment professionally and credibly. Competence and responsibility are what most of the doctors utilize and practice through clinical training on relevant experiences to the patient conditions. Some doctors are in a position to resolve carelessness and consult with others to ensure that the patients are correctly diagnosed without making early conclusions.

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Consumer health according to the BMJ study indicates a decline and the reverence in unnecessary aggressive surgeries due to information from other sources (Nissen, 2018). The research by General Hospital Psychiatry suggests that if a patient trusts the doctor, there is increased chances of recovery. Through the study, the patients without trust in doctors with cervical, prostate, intestinal, and breast cancer after three months showed distress and physical disability (Thom, Wong, Guzman, Penko, Miaskowski, & Kushel, 2011). Due to the prescription failures, the doctors are also devoting time in research to ascertain the drugs which are compelling and less tragic to the patients with chronic defects, for example, the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The relationship between the doctor and the patient suffers the most where trust is insufficient as the link appears to be like a consumer transaction (Collier, 2012).

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Complex cases with most treatment options are always critical, and trust between the patient and the doctor increases the recovery probabilities and possibilities. Can you trust your Doc?. A Medium Corporation US. Krot, K. Rudawska, I. The role of trust in a doctor-patient relationship: a qualitative evaluation of online feedback from Polish patients. Steven Nissen. Do you trust your Doctors prescriptions?. Cleveland Clinic. Thom, D. H. Hui, S. F. Yang, Z. Hospital trust or doctor trust? A fuzzy analysis of trust in the health care setting.  Journal of Business Research, 78, 217-225.

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