Career project assignment

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Similarly, this has been the case for students seeking to pursue career options in microbiology. As for me, since childhood, I have always had the passion to pursue two careers in the field of microbiology. For years, this has been geared by the need to understand how micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites live, grow and how they interact with the environment (Khardori, 7-9). Therefore, my best career options for microbiology are a biomedical scientist and microbiologist. • Reasons why I choose to be a biomedical scientist To commence with, the reason why I choose to be a biomedical scientist is that I had the passion for biomedical science. Education • Education for a biomedical scientist Biomedical scientists should have at least a bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences and other programs closely related to it.

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More so, one ought to have pursued the foundational classes in math, physics, biology and most importantly chemistry. To further knowledge biomedical scientist are expected to pursue a master’s degree and later obtain a Ph. D. In this program, extensive research is done and specialization is expected. It is also of paramount importance for microbiologists to gain complex data analysis skills by taking classes in computer science, math and statistics. It is also a mandatory requirement for all aspiring microbiologists to have laboratory experience before entering the workforce (Kessler et al. This experience can be garnered through internships in related fields and industries. Besides, microbiologists can also opt for Ph. D. The demand for microbiologists also continues to rise in chemical and food producers as more skilled labor is required to improve production quality and efficiency.

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Basically, the efforts to a secure and disease free environment can never be possible without the intervention of microbiologists (Franklin, 218). Salary Ranges • Salary for Biomedical Scientists The median annual wage for biomedical scientists according to Bureau OF Labor Statistics is $65,900. The higher the level of education, the higher the salaries. Also, the higher the level of education, the higher the likelihood of being employed by higher institutions and firms which command high wages (Mason et al. Doctor of philosophy in Microbiology $128,190 Masters in Microbiology $66,850 College Degree $39,480 Career motivation My decision to pursue biomedical science was motivated by a number of factors. Firstly, I was motivated by the lump sum amount of salaries that I would earn after completing my studies. Moreover, the reason why I wanted this career was that it was one of the promising careers in the market with a wide range of opportunities.

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This granted me the surety that I would not lack job after completing studies. Besides, this career relates to my personality (I am an idealist) since I really like serving the humanity. The fact that the two career options are inter-related then the work habits and personality required is almost the same. Below is the analysis of personality and work habits that make me best fit for the two career options. • I am organized – the two career options require doing experiments and therefore operators have to be arranged in order and results collected and recorded orderly. • I am punctual – this means that I will come to work early and I will attend to my duties timely. • I am a problem solver – micro-biology and biomedicine involve a lot of problems whose answers have to be sought for.

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This has created the hope that those taking the programs can be assured of a job after completing their standards. Comparatively, I have learned and discovered I should opt for microbiology since it has more job opportunities when compared to biomedicine. Moreover, it has more scholarship programs than biomedicine. Microbiology fits my personality as an ideal since I believe in helping others. I, therefore, believe that the skill that I will obtain from microbiology will help me help the society in diagnosing cases of food poisoning among other deadly infections. Antimicrobial resistance: The need to train clinical microbiologists. British dental journal 220. Kessler, Alexander Tkeshelashvili, David S. Stephens, and Jyoti Somani. Laboratory-acquired serogroup A meningococcal meningitis. Microbiology, philosophy and education. FEMS microbiology letters 363.

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