Cause and effects of global warming

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

This paper aims at discussing the causes of global warming, and there effects to the atmosphere. The most common cause of global warming that has been observed over the past 50 years is the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere such as water vapour, carbon (IV) oxide, methane as well as ozone. The emission of these gases into the atmosphere contributes significantly towards the cause of the greenhouse effect. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases chiefly carbon dioxide has resulted in the earth and the sea to experience some substantial warming known as global warming. The effects of global warming that occur from the emission of greenhouse gases may cause the sea levels to rise by at least 82 feet and the temperature of the earth’s surface to increase by about 5 degrees Celsius come the year 2100.

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Cutting down of trees and burning them or leaving them to rot causes the carbon stored in the trees to be released into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Most accounts suggest that the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air through deforestation is more than the total amount of carbon dioxide released by cars and trucks across the world. Hence, deforestation causes the forests to degrade thereby contributing to global warming. Consequently, the natural ecosystems become destroyed because of the rising atmospheric temperatures thus leading to changes in animal biodiversity across the world (Anderson, Thomas, Hawkins, and Philip 73). Besides, deforestation leads to the destruction of tropical rain forests because of the massive amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which eventually leads to frequent drought outbreaks. and J.

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M. Baxter. Explaining ocean warming: Causes, scale, effects and consequences. Full report.

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