Causes and Effects of Plagiarism

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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Plagiarism is becoming common and highly committed. It is a vice that universities are working hard to eradicate. It is therefore important and necessary to understand how plagiarism comes to be and the immediate and serious effects that can be brought about by plagiarized work. The first cause is ignorance. Most students at the university level are ignorant. The second cause of plagiarism is a laziness and procrastination element in the students. In some instances, students feel like they are being burdened if asked to work on an assignment. Working on an assignment required intensive research and understanding of the topic at hand. Lecturers require that students give their full attention on their work so that they can understand the topics taught in class and grow their knowledge. Students, on the other hand, feel like it is asking too much of them.

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Having looked at the causes, the first effect of plagiarism is suspension from the university. All universities do not condone plagiarism and have strict penalties for any student caught doing so. For many universities suspension is an option. This goes to inform the student that plagiarism is a grave act in the university. The university also ensures that this vice is not an option for its students. They could get suspended, have their assignment canceled, and have their integrity and respect questioned. Their morals are most important before anything else and hence they should keep away from the vice. References Consequences Of Plagiarism. scanmyessay. com/plagiarism/consequences-of-plagiarism.

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