Challenges of democracy

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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Under democracy, individuals are often sovereign. Despite the fact that democracy is the best political administration of any given country, it, however, have some faults just like any other aspect of government. It is therefore associated with various difficulties since the fact that everyone is equal in a given nation around the globe, shortsightedness, populism, and selfishness are the major drawbacks affecting the concept. Of all the other arms of the government, democracy is indeed the most difficult. As Tocqueville stated in his book “Democracy in America,” there is nothing that is wonderful than being free, but there is nothing harder than learning how to use freedom because it is faced with so many challenges such as lack of time and concession, inefficiency of education, tyranny of numbers, political apathy and delay in decision making.

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For effective democracy to be implemented in any given country, the general public ought to be educated for the aspect to work well. However, this is a great challenge to most of the nations around the globe. For instance, in the United States' educational system is much festering and large blocks of the population reject the founded scientific awareness with regard to stuff such as evolution and climate change (Tocqueville, 55). When the public is not well educated on the aspect of democracy is therefore prone to be manipulated by the politicians, corporation and various religious leaders. This may event contribute to the election of poor leaders by the ill-informed citizens on democracy which will often result in poor decision making in the country.

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This can, therefore, be viewed as associated with populism (Rossen, All the King's Men). Political apathy is also another democracy challenge which leads to bestowed interest and small dedicated groups to have over-illustrative power and influence. The apathy also causes an increase in power of the rhetoricians or the populist that can rally reinforcement and political activism regardless of the poor policy (Hook, Lord of the Flies). Media and propaganda are other aspects that possess difficulties to the democracy of any given country. Publicity is indeed an interdependence between populism within the political institution as a result of the aforementioned drawbacks, the populist heaviness on media from assessments and viewership and the idleness of the media is reporting on expert unanimity and policy (Lumet, Twelve Angry Men).

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As aforementioned, some of the difficulties associated with democracy includes selfishness, the tyranny of the majority, delayed decision making in a country, time-consuming and media and propaganda among others. When the public is not well educated on the aspect of democracy is therefore prone to be manipulated by the politicians, corporation and various religious leaders. This may significantly contribute to the election of poor leaders in the country an aspect that will contribute to poor decision making in the country. In ensuring democracy of a nation, various measures, therefore, ought to be taken into consideration, with educating the citizens being the major issue. This will guarantee an effective democratic nation.  Twelve Angry Men. Orion-Nova Productions, 1957. Orwell, George, and Patrick Tull.  Animal Farm.

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