Collegiate Athletics and Academics
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Researchers have been concerned about the collegiate athletic and its effects on academic performance. Investigating the relationship between collegiate athletics and academics is essential. The overall pressure that has been placed to both the student-athletes and couch in regards to the academic eligibility can be extremely demanding. The student-athletes have to remain academically eligible. The athletics departments have initiated various programs to assist student-athletes to perform better in their academic. The production is determined by the cumulative average grade point (GPA). The academic performance is also measured by using graduation rates and standardized test scores — the GPA of the student-athletes in mostly affected during high game seasons because the students are under high pressure to perform better in the field (Maloney, McCormick). The Athletes associations have intervened in recent years and developed a strong standard for the student-athletes’ academic performance.
The incentive and disincentives strategies have been initiated to penalize the sports teams that attain a poor academic performance and reward the teams with excellent performance. The primary impartial of the sequencer is to inspire the student-athletes in all sports to improve in their academic performance (Meyer, 2005). The provision of foundation for supporting academics requires the ability in the identification of possible academic success contributing factors. Assessing the history of the student will be essential in allocating a population to help them in the academic performance. The uses of a cumulative average grade point (GPA) in college for measuring the academic performance of the student-athletes have indicated that the participation of students in athletics has a significant impact in their academic achievement. The additional responsibilities that the athletes require motivate them to achieve excellent results in both fields.
Most studies indicate that the athletes perform better in academics during the in-season compared to out of seasons. Self-discipline will prevent the student-athletes from involving themselves with antisocial groups in college that may affect their academic performance. Playing sports gives the student-athletes vital skills in communication and teamwork, decision making, how to compete with other students and the ability to balance education with other activities. Playing sports proves that student-athletes can perform in teamwork efficiently by competing as an individual but work with the team which will improve their academic performance significantly. The team working in college is fundamental because it will help the student-athlete as an individual to learn new thing from other students hence improving their performance in college. Playing sports makes a student to be a better communicator since, during different times in games, people meet different people and they have to be good communicators to communicate with them.
Being an academic athlete has a significant impact on the student, but the new students may find it challenging to adjust the two aspects. The most crucial way to balance athletics and academic performance are through time management which, is a fundamental component of the success of student-athletes. The element of time management will help the student to know where they should be at the specific time (FNU, 2018). It is essential for student-athletes to acknowledge their priorities and responsibilities where they should realize that academics should be the priority. The athletics students should determine the suitability necessities which will help them sustain their academic grades. It is not clear on which, factors that influence the general behavior of the student-athletes. Planned Behavior Theory (PBT) by Ajay is essential in determining the academic behavior of the student-athletes.
According to the theory, the specific intention influences their behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The primary determinants that affect plan are subjective norms such as social culture, the attitude towards the action and the apparent behavior control. The purpose and can be affected by the perceived behavior control. A Radom sampling determined the target population. The data collection method is done by administering structured questionnaires. Discussion Most students who answered the questionnaires were participating in various activities in school. of the total respondents were playing golf, 20% were in the basketball team, 30% of the respondents were soccer players and the remaining 33% were in track sports. Majority of the track and cross country athletes were pursuing a hospitality course followed by the business course. Students who had both extremely satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance in the games are very minimal.
According to the study, the extent in the academic achievement is equivalent to the number in the sports performance which implies that the student-athletes can balance their academic performance and the field performance. We asked the student-athletes if their academic performance influences their field performance. of the respondents said that how they perform in academics has a significant impact on their field performance. of the respondent stated that to some extent the academic achievement has a considerable effect on their excellent performance in the field. The only sports that are considered in the survey is track and cross-country. The random sample selection may lock out significant respondents 3. The study only interviews student-athletes and did not involve couches and teachers. Conclusion A significant number of best academic performing students in college plays sports.
Sports helps the students push themselves to the limits both academically and physically to ensure that they deliver their assignments perfectly and competently which, helps in boosting their perseverance and academic commitment. Ajzen, I. The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 179-211. Dilley-Knoles, J. Making the Grade: Academic Success in Today’s Athlete. Gordon, B. Sport means ‘family and church’: Sport in New. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 49-63. Heider, F. The psychology of interpersonal relations. Singleton, S. The Impact of Sports Participation On the Academic Achievement of African American Girls. Virginia.
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