Communication and Learning Disorders

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Psychology

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Times New Roman. pt Font. Double-spaced INTRODUCTION TO ABNORMAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY – ROBERTT WEIS EDITION 3 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Chapter 7-Communication and learning disorders 1. How are communication disorders and learning disorders related? How does understanding one help you understand the other? Communication disorder and learning disorder are among the most common neurodevelopmental disorder among children. Many paper understand learning disorder among children which mainly include Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If a child does not communicate properly especially in pronunciation of words and formation of words, that child develop a problem is structuring of sentences and learning abilities. When a teacher or caregiver realizes a communication problem in a child, he is able to predict that the child may develop a learning disability in future thus taking all initiatives to control the problem.

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Teachers can therefore control communication disorder in a child through enhancing his/her learning abilities. There are several theorized causes of stuttering. What are these? Which ones have the most support? How do the effective treatments for stuttering help us understand the origins of the disorder? Stuttering is also known as childhood onset fluency disorder which reflects a marked impairment in fluency of child’s speech. Depending with intensity of stuttering, therapists can understand the cause of disorder during treatment thus determining whether it is inherited of developed in a child due to some conditions or experiences 3. Describe social communication disorder. Why would communication skills decline over time in children with this disorder who are untreated? If you were working with a child with this disorder, what steps would you take to help? Social communication disorder is a condition that occurs when a child show lack of common problems with their language of speech.

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A child may have a well-developed fluency, phonological processes, grammatical and sematic abilities although they portray a marked impairment in the communication ability with other children. Such a disorder is characterized by deficit in pragmatics which is basically the use of language is specific social context. Why do you think this might be? What are the implications of this for our interventions with children with learning disabilities? Learning disabilities are serious conditions that adversely affects the academic functioning, career, attainment and self-acceptance among school children. Learning disability condition is considered to greatly affect children as compared to other disabilities like writing or understanding math disabilities as all the other academic factors are based on ability of a child to learn. Unlike other disorders which are treatable and manageable among children, learning disorder is very complex as it is untreatable as it may result from inheriting from the family.

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Learning disorder is also collective and may comprise individuals with all the other academic-related disorders such as deficit in reading, writing, or poor in mathematics. Learning disability is very complex as it interfere with other human functioning like academic achievements, work functioning, and even everyday activities of a child/individuals. However, in both cases learning disabilities in a child involves basic psychological processes that influences child’s ability to understand or use of language, spoken or written, which manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, speak, think, read, write, spell, or even carry out mathematic calculation. Interventions for a child with learning struggle resulting from learning disorder differs from intervention for the child whose learning struggle results from other social or psychological factors. If the struggle results from learning disabilities, special attention need to be provided to the child to get him/her much involved in learning practices to enable the child develop positive attitude toward learning.

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If the struggle results from other social or psychological factors, the child requires counselling and special care to solve the problem that may be causing the learning struggle as such a child may not be having intelligence problem. Mary’s toddler says, “pea-tut butter” for “peanut butter” and makes other similar errors. If the condition persists while the child is developing, diagnosis is in that case necessary. Boys are more likely than girls to be classified with a learning disability and receive special education services, but, community-based studies that involve screening all children for learning disabilities show few gender differences. Discuss at least one reason why this might be.   According to the conducted studies, there is a gender difference in the prevalence of learning disabilities but with a mixed result over the same.

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In most cases, boys are more likely than girls to be categorized with learning disorders or disabilities in relation to the number of children receiving special educational services with reference to gender. It is the ability to quickly and accurately perform relative simple tasks without expending a high degree of effort. Children who indicates problems in reading fluency and comprehension challenges have history for poor phoneme awareness. Many of such children with comprehension and fluency problem do not develop basic reading skills necessary to sound and novel words. Children with low processing speed basically known as children with cognitive deficiency are unable to perform simple cognitive task automatically. Such individuals indicates lack of devote in cognitive resource to a low level of thinking and reasoning while performing their tasks. The reason for occurrence of a specific language impairment as explained by possible auditory impairment theory is associated with changes in ability to process sounds and to abnormalities in the neural coding of auditory information.

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For instance, a child that does not differentiate the /l/ and /r/ sounds may have difficulties in accurately producing these sounds and therefore differentiating between ring and ling becomes a problem. Another case is that of a child who has difficulty in adding plural in sentences may result from auditory perception problem. Such a child may not differentiate the word sing from the word sings and may fail to produce the plural /-s/ while ending the speech. How might challenges with working memory result in challenges with higher-order math skills? Many children develops complex math problem-solving skills which mainly include ability to solve story problems, chart interpretations, and graphs as well as performing mathematical operations containing complex sets of numbers.  Introduction to abnormal child and adolescent psychology (3rd ed.

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