Conflict resolution

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Nursing

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Political leaders of different political parties, for instance, can engage in conflict immediately after the declaration of the election results. In this case, mediators like the late Koffi Annan can be sort after purposely to end the conflict through the process of mediation. This type of conflict resolution can equally apply to the workplace (Bollen et al. The only difference is that conflict resolution in a workplace is viewed from a narrow point of view. As for the national political arena, conflict resolution is seen from a broader angle. Our conflict policy is characterized by both formal and informal procedures if followed will resolve potential conflict. It is vital for the employees, customers, employers, and relevant stakeholders to be conversant with the organization’s resolution policy. This means that the plan aims to influence the relationship between conflicting members positively.

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Also, the strategy emphasizes the need for each member to embrace outstanding communication skills. A violent form of communication that is exhibited by insults and abuses and even fights can be resolved amicably and in sobriety (Leon-Perez, 2015). It is vital for our members to know that clarity is facilitated by a prior meeting between the involved parties. If an employee feels agitated by his or her colleagues, it is crucial to meet with them to resolve conflicts on their own (Ayote, 2016). They are team members so, finding a concrete solution to the issue rests on their hands. Before the conflict resolution board gets to know about the problem, the conflicting parties should try reaching an agreement. This does not apply to conflict among employees. When they have a similar opinion concerning future positive changes, for example, there is a high possibility for them to halt their differences since they now echo the same voice.

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This step is an improvisation of the first step. In the first step, there is a high possibility of reaching a dead end when employees have initially tried to solve their problem. But for the second step, the principal aim is to enable the members to attain a common goal. Step 3 Implementing Techniques Enhancing Collaboration The third step involves integrating Kilmann’s notion of collaborating and compromising (Kathiravan & Rajasekar, 2018). But here, the questions asked to aim at acquiring answers that will enable the involved parties to view conflict resolution from a broader perspective. This step seeks to satisfy Killmann’s notion of collaboration and compromising (Kathiran, 2018). The involved parties are allowed to discuss ways in which they came to have a common goal. Step 4 Identification of Challenges The fourth step expounds on the first step.

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Clarification is all about to get to know factors that led to the conflict. In this stage, the board allows members to identify suggestions that both can agree on and notably the council is involved equally (Leon-Perez, 2015). After this, it is crucial for the jury to integrate the element of responsibility and after that implement it. In this regard, the board plays a cautionary responsibility by making the involved parties say terms like, “I accept that or “I am aware that. ” A Proposed Outline for Training Topics Thesis; Conflict Resolution Would Encourage Productivity in a Workplace A. Active Interaction 1. III. Compromising- About the aspect of compromising, it is entangled in the fourth step of our conflict resolution strategy. The members are made to reach an agreement by acknowledging things that require transformation.

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Also, there is a need to appreciate the board's decisions. References Ayoko, O. Intercultural challenges in managing workplace conflict–a call for research.  Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25(1), 32-52. Kathiravan, C. Rajasekar, A. A Global Perspective of Conflict Management & Conflict Management Styles Strategies to Manage Workplace Conflict in the Contemporary Issues in Business Scenario.

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