Correlation between breastfed infants vs formula fed babies and their cognitive

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

It is generally agreed breastfed infants stand a chance of being more intelligent (Cunningham, 2017). However, the argument remains whether this phenomenon is a casual association or a mere relationship with favorable IQ and parental social economic class. Some hypothesize child’s neurodevelopment ability due to breastfeeding to docosahexaenoic acid found in breast milk, but not in formulas or cow’s milk. Through personal experience and through study, breastfed infants are healthier and intelligent than formula-fed infants. “Breast is best” is a saying that commensurate with this thesis. The World Health Organization charts as of 2006 are a representation of infants who are predominantly breastfed, while the CDC charts is a representation of formula-fed infants on national population. It was found that children in the U. S have a greater BMI-for –age and weight than what is seen in the growth values of WHO.

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Some correlate the different feeding methods as likely causes of this difference in growth with satiety of individual control. The differences due to self-regulation are even attributable to weight control problems later noticed in children (Leventakou et al. The main theory of this context is that among 3 and 9 months of age, infants who are breastfed will have to improve mental development and growth as compared to formula fed babies. Other hypotheses are: • Predominantly breastfed babies at an age of nine months will have lower 6 and 9 month BMI as compared to babies who no longer receive breast milk at an age of six and nine months. • Predominantly breastfed babies at an age of nine months will have a superior novelty quotient percentage than infants who no longer receive breast milk at an age of six and nine months.

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The study takes both observational and cross-sectional designs by the inclusion of 130 babies obtained from Oklahoma Community and its environment. Criteria for inclusion entailed singleton birth, healthy, 3-months old babies who were mainly breastfed and having obtained less than 4 formula ounces a day. During the early infancy stages of breastfeeding, AAP recommends 8 to twelve feedings within a span of 24 hours. In growth spurts, this number will keep on changing with time. Intake of breast milk reduces as essential diets rich in the iron mineral are introduced gradually after six months. Bearing in mind that there are no set upper limits by AAP on the duration, continuous breastfeeding is encouraged throughout the first year. To achieve standard feeding practices for new-borns and complete diet up to at least six months, exclusive breastfeeding goes along with Vitamin D, fluoride and iron supplements.

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Breast milk contains Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) acid which constitutes a point of interest in initiating cognitive development. In infants, DHA is essential for functional and growth development of the brain. There are many numerous positives linked to breastfeeding practices. However, the United States of America fails to meet the required new-born feeding guidelines as suggested by the World Health Organization. List of Bibliography Cunningham, A. and Chatzi, L. Breastfeeding span and psychological, language and engine advancement at year and a half of age: Rhea mother– kid accomplice in Crete, Greece. J Epidemiol Community Health, 69(3), 232-239. Huërou-Luron, I. L. Recovered from http://www. cdc. gov/breastfeeding/information/reportcard/reportcard2010. htm Gibbs, B. G.

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