Cost of college education
The perception that attending a college especially the public ones is affordable, has crashed the dreams of so many young adults after realizing that in reality, the college education is an expensive endeavor altogether and that surviving through college calls for a lot more than just hearsays. Besides, things have really changed today compared to the past years when attending a college guaranteed someone of a decent job. Nowadays, the job market has taken a different perspective altogether owing to the increased competition across different industries in the race to recruit the best. This has locked many students’ dreams of pursuing their careers and statistics shows that the students are literally paying the price for the rising costs of college education and simultaneously affected the quality of education offered at colleges.
This paper discusses factors leading to increased cost of college education. Consequently, balancing between the college life and other demands becomes a problem and in most case, the students may find it difficult to keep up with these demands and will likely drop out of college. The third factor is the fact that loans that are provided to college students are insufficient to supplement the increasing demands of college life. Another factor that has raised the cost of attending college education is the misappropriation of resources. For example, using the money for other activities rather than channeling it towards programs that will benefit needy students has hampered the quality of education that is offered. When the grants and loans meant to help students navigate through the college life are misallocated, the consequences of this move are likely to affect the college education.
By evaluating all the facts surrounding the issue of college education it clear that funding college education is not as easy as it may sound. Different scholars have presented various arguments on the theories of fundraising college money. However, one striking fact is the number of loans that are extended to the students and the problem these same graduates encounter after leaving college life (Cappelli 4). It has been reported that majority of college graduates always struggle after graduating as they settle for entry jobs that do not meet their wage bill coupled with debts accrued from the college stint. Again, it is important to understand that the students' loans are not accessible to everyone and therefore some students suffer more when their applications for students' loans are declined. It is worth to note that there is a need for a comprehensive review of the costs of education if the dreams of college students are to be affirmed.
Government and other stakeholders should work together and formulate a strategy that will help alleviate the rising costs of college education. Works cited Cappelli, Peter. Will College Pay Off? A Guide to the Most Important Financial Decision You'll Ever Make. New York: Public Affairs, 2015.
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