Crime scene scenario

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Criminology

Document 1

Therefore, analyzing the crime scene and the evidence before the presentation to the court of law is important. The paper provides to evaluate and analyze the processes and what is done throughout a crime investigation process from the crime scene up to the presentation of the evidence before trial. Initial responders approach to the crime scene At the crime scene, there is always the initial responders who are the first responders. These people might be police officers or officers within the authority and who respond to the call concerned with the happenings at the crime scene. The relevance of the crime scene relies heavily upon these first responders bearing in mind that there is a lot of evidence that needs protection at the scene. Initial documentation of evidence process At the crime scene, the initial documentation of evidence is also another important provision that helps the investigative officers with the process fo establishing the causes and culprits within the provided instance.

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There are certain ways used as initial processes for documentation of evidence on the crime scene. Videotaping the crime scene is the most initial process of documenting the evidence within the crime scene. The use of videotaping in a crime scene provides a perspective on the crime scene layout which cannot be undertaken easily through the use of photographs or other means available, (Schiro). The use of videotaping helps cover the scenario in its progressive state and helps structure the evidence in relation to the crime. They serve the purpose of providing proportional measurements for calculations for easy approach and tackling of the crime scene evidence. Sketches offer an overhead sketch or elevated sketch view for the crime scene. They are important in helping address issues where photographs do not provide relevance and which might distort the information about the scene being gathered.

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It is necessary for documentation provided that they do not leave out any space or object within the radar of the scene as it is the case with photographs. Collection of evidence The collection of evidence in a crime scene takes shape in a different method. The use of photographs is necessary to help trace that evidence before it can be tampered with in the course of the investigation. For the impression evidence, it is provided not to be evidence that can be moved from its location and in case one tries to get it using any other means definitely it results to it being deleted. In the manner of addressing this form of evidence, photographing is used to collect it using good cameras which help focus on the image as it is.

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It is through these photographs that scans get done as well as observations made on the images provided towards processing the I formation. Easily contaminated evidence: Easily contaminated evidence is evidence that can be affected easily upon being left in the open or exposed. The latent-print processing method help to plant evidence in a more clear surface and which cannot be easily lost before it is established on the provided basis of the victim or culprit. The DNA testing is also another part of evidence processing in the laboratory. For the issue of DNA, the blood stains obtained from the evidence is put into a machine that helps test to which person does the blood belong to since the records have been obtained from suspected persons or people of interest. The easily contaminated evidence, as well as potentially hazardous evidence, apply this kind of processing in the laboratory.

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The DNA test is matched with the identical person with those characteristics shown by the blood sample. Impression evidence: Under the impression evidence, activities like robbery have a relation with it provided by its nature, (National Institute of Justice). The use of impression evidence applies in areas where two objects have come into contact under a force. The police officers have relied on this form of evidence in solving the robbery cases or even terrorist activities and murder. It is also heavily relied evidence that supports the justice system towards bringing culprits to book. Easily contaminated evidence: The kind of evidence here relies heavily on the DNA test to find the culprits or victims in such a situation. Secondly, all evidence collected should be labeled and processed with the best expert knowledge as possible.

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Under this provision, it is important to offer the best knowledge towards processing the evidence to make good connections and traceability provision for the proposed subject. The processing activity helps a lot to ensure that the evidence with the suspects have a connection and can relate in the overall and ensure that its accurate data. Thirdly and more important is the documentation of the evidence collected. Through the documentation process, the information gets assigned the right procedure of identifying the different forms of evidence with the correct process. It is also through this that the jury uses to permit additional evidence while the session is ongoing and especially the technologically advanced tests. From there, the court is ready to proceed with both sides arguing their case. References Walker, L. Thibaut, J.

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Andreoli, V. d. Retrieved from https://www. nij. gov/topics/forensics/evidence/impression/pages/welcome. aspx Baldwin,, H. Crime Scene Procedures. Retrieved from https://projects. nfstc. org/property_crimes/Crime_Scene_Procedures_III. pdf Ballou, S. S. Kiley, W. The biological evidence preservation handbook: best practices for evidence handlers (No. NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR)-7928). Schiro, G. UNODC. n. d. Crime scene and physical evidence awarenessfor non-forensic personnel. Retrieved from https://www.

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