Culture of egypt essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

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Disability identity, therefore, refers to equipping yourself with who you are in terms of socialization and the choices you make enough for one to be prideful with his her physique. Where understanding and respect exists, corespondent individuals adapt disability. This paper seeks to how to analyze how the disable peoples in the society are to criminated through the analyzation of what Brenda wrote Disability and passing This is a way in which people hide their social forms of impairment. They tend to do so to avoid stigmatization of being disabled and live as usual. It also encompasses the ways different people manage their beings. This is the time now she is forced into passing after her pretense of being able to hear the conversation properly and finally ended in losing him.

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In full defense of to hide the truth about her disability, she responded to him using the common vocabulary like the pardon,” what?” and hmm only to impress him (Schein et al, 653). However, she managed to pass with confidence nearly a decade later when they were both married to different people. She tells us that they recounted the scene in the mutual company and shared a laughter now to commemorate the scene. Again she says that she is happy because she got a partner having characteristics like that Steve which it is satisfactory enough for his to share the experience as Steve was now able to get the real truth about her (Schein et al, 653). Where disability and passing continue to expand the boundaries, of awareness, there is a high probability of inclusion of people with disabilities into acceptance in the society and parents should never try to force their children into accepting their wish (Schein et al, 657).

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The view of people with disability in the society and the way they are discriminated It is by nature for a human to respond to the difference one is having as compared to oneself or others. Each person perceives himself as normal and when a different view occurs it brings discrimination. In Brueggemann's essay, Brenda is seen as someone who is of low standards when she was in Wyoming conference while taking lunch. Someone asked her the time she has been deaf this shows the little respect people are having towards the impaired from the way they use harsh words when addressing them. Further research and experiences by Brenda Jo Brueggemann, it brings out clearly how people with disabilities are treated. This opens the eyes of many who are not of that status and find it is strange to them.

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Brenda, assistant professor, channeled her vast experience from childhood to her present academic level of learning The deaf peoples are seen as persons who cannot convey positive information to those who are not deaf. They suffer at the hands of these groups. They tend to receive isolation from their groups. With this, she feels discriminated in the first place (Tucker &Bonnie,654). The people who are both married having the similar disability is a wonder to many as they consider it less successful and not thriving to the partners. Brenda extended sharing her experience with her newly found friend Lynn. Lynn found herself torn between getting married to a deaf like her or not. This is an inclination her mother is having as contradiction to her thoughts. From the shame and disgust, she pretends as if she is going for more salad and ward off from the group.

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This depicts the picture of the society towards people with disability as looks some discrimination (Schein et al 656). From the societal view, therefore, it shows that it is a culture and a tradition to for people to marry a partner whom you share same attributes. They say that when one marries deaf, he/she become deaf too. Respect for them is minimal. The resulting solution of opting out of the conversation finds it discriminative in that sense (Schein et al, 660). The hearing problem and accent bring further drift to topical discussions. Brenda’s suffering was not only at home but also at school as she says to avoid being down look by her friends. She uses to find herself busy in the library in order to hide her guilt of not being able to perceive information correctly during the discussion with their friends.

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The need to avoid discrimination forced her to find a solution in busying herself with books, reading and writing poems. Searching for more about them will result in the discovery of the hidden things which might be important in improving their well being. Also helps the disable in reducing their struggle during their life endurance as they cope with their abilities (Perrier et al, 234). Therefore, it should be a total responsibility and commitment for any individual and government to take care of people with disability. The use of offensive and discriminative words when referring to them should abstain and in turn replace with favorable terms hence helping the victims to accept themselves in the society. The state should pass the disability laws in order to protect the disabled against any form of discrimination.

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The Deaf Population of the United States. Silver Spring: National Association of the Deaf, 1974. Tucker, Bonnie Poitras. The Feel of Silence. Philade.

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