Daylight saving time research paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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In such places, the clock is adjusted forwards by an hour when spring approaches and adjusted backwards to the standard time when autumn approaches. Essentially, using the daylight saving time system implies that people lose an hour of sleep during spring (Caicedo, & Pandharipande, 2016). When fall comes, people gain an hour of sleep. There are some areas where the DST is not needed, hence it is not used. An example is the equatorial region, where the variations in the sunrise times across the seasons are not significant enough to warrant the use of DST. It takes time before people can adapt to the changes in the times and recover their normal sleeping schedules. In this period, most people are deprived of about one hour of sleep. Although one hour seems like a less time, it can impact on the health negatively.

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Sleep deprivation leads to a reduction in the concentration levels of a person and increases frustration (Killgore, 2010). Therefore, more accidents are experienced both on the road and at work. Most common cardiovascular diseases that have been linked with daylight saving time are heart attacks and strokes. Studies show that heart attacks that are recorded increases especially immediately after DST starts (Berk, et al 2008). After the end of DST, the recorded incidences of heart attacks reduce. Similar cases have been realized for stroke. Therefore, researchers have drawn the conclusion that daylight saving time has some direct effects on the chances that a person will be affected by cardiovascular health effects such as heart attack and stroke. The work rate of people is reduced due to the less hours of sleep. Therefore, productivity reduces and the economy is impacted on negatively.

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Additionally, other time sensitive economic activities such as farming are affected. For example, dairy cows are sensitive to milking time and when delivery times for milk change due to daylight saving time, the milk quantities reduce. Harvesting is also affected since laborers leave work early during the daylight saving time, implying that fewer quantities are harvested at the desirable time (Kotchen, & Grant, 2011). It affects the mental health of people, the economies of countries, and does not even achieve the purpose for which it was intended. To solve the daylight saving time, people should make use of modern architecture designs. The standard time should be used at all times and the architecture used for designing houses allowed to eliminate any need for DST, thus solving the problem. Use of architectural designs can be beneficial in several ways.

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For example, there are modern architectural designs that regulate the amount of sunlight that gets into houses. In case outside light cannot be tapped into the house, artificial light can be incorporated in the design to mimic the natural light and reduce the effect of gaining an entire hour of sleep (Caicedo, & Pandharipande, 2016). Therefore, by using improved architectural designs, people would be in a better position to maintain their daily routine and thus eliminate the need for daylight saving time entirely. To undo the effects that have already been experienced due to daylight saving time, architecture can still be used. For example, there are architectural designs that can serve the purpose of phototherapy by influencing the psychology of people (Dugar, 2018). Such techniques can be used to treat seasonal affective disorder. Hallam, K.

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Berk, L. Gleeson, J. Henry, M. Small shifts in diurnal rhythms are associated with an increase in suicide: The effect of daylight saving. doi:10. Killgore, W. D. Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition. Progress in Brain Research, 185(1), 105-129. Winter blues: Everything you need to know to beat seasonal affective disorder. Guilford Press.

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