Deforestation in canada research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
The change is determined through the use of the satellite and aerial images; land-use records as well the field inspections. Canada deforestation can be termed as an economic activity to the country as it done in a manner that it improves the country although it also has its effects. The rate of deforestation is Canada is low and according to the research done in the year 2005, deforestation affected about 0. of the Canada’s forest. The overall coverage of the Canadian forest is about 10% of the world forest. It covers around half of the deforestation that happens in the country. The rest of the half is caused by various practices. Recreation, urban development and transportation follow the deforestation rate in the country with a total of 19%, next is hydroelectric development and forest sector which covers around 10% differently and lastly is the natural resource extraction industries that covers around 8%.
Despite of all these factors, they do not determine the level at which the country maintains it forest as they are two different approaches. The deforestation that happens in the country is derived by positive factors. This is one of the ways in which the forestry can improve. There are some of misconceptions that rose concerning the Canada forest but it is not the right t information. There are some myths that rise concerning the Canadian forest but the proved using facts well organized. One of the myths is that there is a high deforestation that is happening in Canada. The fact is that is that Canada has one of the best healthy forests in the world which are carefully monitored by the government as well other non-governmental institutions. The fact is there is no untouched forest.
Forest is a home for the many animals and they carry out their daily activities within the forest thus there is every need to show care to the forest. The nature provides special foods for a living for the animals. Canada protects the forest and avoids the deforestation as well as maintaining the standards that are required for its forest. About two thirds of the deforestation that happens in Canada happens in Boreal forest and mainly in areas such as Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. This can be termed as a secondary problem where more tress are cut but only a few pieces of it are the one used for use. This problem exists in Canada in a manner that tress is being cut for paper work, at the end they only use trunk and the rest is discarded.
The reason why they choose the trunk is because it is the easiest to obtain large qualities of the wood pulp thus ending up disposing the other part as it is considered non-important. This acts as a big blow to the forest has half of it is wasted. There should be necessary means in which the rest part of three can be utilized. Harvesting can grow back but the disturbances that are caused by natural disasters can have a great effect. In conclusion, deforestation in Canada can be described as something that has completely lowered and does not have any strength basis. According to the research, Canada has the best form of the forest maintenance with less deforestation and much afforestation for the replacement of the tress that might have cut down as a form of human activity.
Canada holds the largest forest areas globally with 10% which is much higher than any other country. Comparing it to the deforestation that happens in the country of 0. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, 2015. Fitzsimmons, M. J. D. J.
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