Diabetes Annotated Bibliography
org/diabetes-basics/statistics? The main purpose of this article is to provide a detailed report on the overall number of persons who suffered from diabetes and prediabetes. This report was compiled in 2015 from hospital reports on the number of people who were diabetic or prediabetes. Although the data was mainly obtained from different hospital reports, hence the mode of data collection was mainly through patient particulars with respect to the type of diabetes they suffered. The main strength of using this report is based on its ability to capture statistic on all patients that were admitted to a particular hospital within a given period. Its only limitation is that it does not capture diabetic patients who did not go to any particular hospital. org/10. pcd12. The purpose of this article is to examine the extent by which technological advancement in mobile technology is applied in developing mobile applications for diabetes health literature.
The study identifies the diabetes literate features in mobile apps with a view of highlighting the impending costs. It was done through a careful review of diabetes keywords, which identified diabetes related apps in the operating system of most of the phones. The research was conducted through a search on online databases; there were 196 results from the databases, out of which 13 met the required criterion. Dearholt, S. E. John Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines (2nd Ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta International This book provides an outstanding foundation on practice based on applying evidence to help in decision-making process. The main purpose of this study was to develop and test a mobile phone-based tool that captured and visualized the eating habits of adolescence through their food take. It was to affect a proper understanding of carbohydrate counting and to foster the relationship between adolescents and the doctor during their daily treatment.
It was to foster an analysis of the designed tool concerning self-efficacy, self-treatment and empowerment. The study concluded that on implementation of visual tools, it was an important contribution to the adolescents in understanding the basics of diabetes. Stevens, K. Lowson, K. Offer, C. Watson, J. McGuire, B. Renfrew, M. T. Mobile health applications to assist patients with diabetes: lessons learned and design implications. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 6(5), 1197-1206. th January 2018 from http://journals. sagepub. K. Status and trends of mobile-health applications for iOS devices: A developer's perspective. Journal of Systems and Software, 84(11), 2022-2033. th January 2018 from https://pdfs. semanticscholar. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC4114470/ The main purpose of this study was to test the usability (user satisfaction, technical effectiveness and efficiency) of mhealth mobile apps in obese adolescents. Ten adolescents who were obese at the Temple Street Children’s University Hospital were enrolled to the program.
They were then give eight tasks to perform in order to test the efficiency of the apps. Mobile phone technology is currently being used to improve the patient-nurse communication. It is also a significant pillar in monitoring health outcomes especially in chronic diseases. This innovation in technology is expected to escalate over time mainly in community management of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and asthma. Skårderud, F. Improving diabetes care for young people with type 1 diabetes through visual learning on mobile phones: mixed-methods study. Impact of Mobile Diabetes Self-Care System on patients’ knowledge, behavior and efficacy - ScienceDirect. n. d. Retrieved from https://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S221307641400013X The main purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of combining clinical information systems with the mobile health infrastructure.
It also assessed the medical records of the patients that were mainly integrated with the clinical information systems to provide a timely support to patients with chronic diseases via bidirectional text messaging. This was to analyze on how mobile phones can be used to accelerate a patient’s self-management of chronic diseases. A review on mHealth research in developing countries | Chigona | The Journal of Community Informatics. n. Retrieved from https://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S221307641400013X A review on mHealth research in developing countries | Chigona | The Journal of Community Informatics. n. d. nottingham. ac. uk/39453/1/2008%20Blake%20Mobile%20phone%20technology%20in%20chronic%20disease%20management. pdf Caburnay, C. Graff, K. Curran, N. Exploring the usability of a mobile app for adolescent obesity management. JMIR eHealth and uHealth, 2(2). th January 2018 from https://www. ncbi.
John Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines (2nd Ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta International. Froisland, D. H. Integrating visual dietary documentation in mobile-phone-based self-management application for adolescents with type 1 diabetes. th January 2018 from https://pdfs. semanticscholar. org/e651/e8437a57a9c31e740a994dfd5ba48ec0bdf4. pdf Impact of Mobile Diabetes Self-Care System on patients’ knowledge, behavior and efficacy - ScienceDirect. n. th January 2018 from https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal. biomedcentral. com/articles/10. s13006-015-0035-8 Skårderud, F. Improving diabetes care for young people with type 1 diabetes through visual learning on mobile phones: mixed-methods study. org/gm-node/45531. aspx Tufano, J. T. Mobile health applications to assist patients with diabetes: lessons learned and design implications. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 6(5), 1197-1206.
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