Management of Bipolar Disorder causing Suicidal Thoughts
H, however, treatments and the effectiveness varies from person to person, as there is no guarantee that the results will be the same among every person. Some of the drugs used include; Over the years new Aantidepressant, antipsychotics, have been tested, also there is now the use of electroconvulsive therapy, some Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, (SSRI’s) There is also and psychotherapy, Overall the topic focuses on measures to decrease the risk of suicide that precipice because of Bipolar disorders and other mental illness. By the end of this paper the reader should be able to see a wide variation of therapy that is used to induce cognitive impairments for better functional levels. in the management of biplolar disorder associated with suicidal risks. Management of Bipolar Disorder causing Suicidal Thoughts Bipolar and Suicidal Thoughts Treatment Mental illness is a condition that entails changes in the cognitive, emotional as well as behavioral alterations individually or in a combination.
These alternating episodes may last for a period ranging from hours to months. According to a post at Mayo Clinic website, (2018), tThe manic related experiences are extremely unpleasant and result in impulsive behavior with subsequent dire consequences key for example, suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts and complete suicide (Levy, 2012, p. among them Suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts and the unfortunate complete suicide. According to Kleindienst, Engel & Greil (2005), (2005), there are two main types of bipolar disorders based on how severe and persistent the alternating mood takes. Bipolar disorder type I is classified by experiencing at least one isolated maniac episode or a mixed manic episode with at least one or several major episodes of depression. However, these swings in the mood do impair an individual`s proper functioning as they fluctuate from elevated state to a feeling of depression.
Individuals with cyclothymia may develop a chronic ongoing condition (Levy, 2012, p. Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS)-this type of disorder is diagnosed when one presents with symptoms that do not qualify as either bipolar type I or type II as per the diagnostic criteria. In BP-NOS the manifesting symptoms are very few or short- lived to warrant a diagnosis as either type of the major bipolar disorders (Levy, 2012). However, the presenting symptoms still indicate a deviance from the normal individual`s behaviors (Levy, 2012, p. BPD alone poses a 10-15% lifetime risk of suicide with a higher percentage being reported among the younger adults. Suicide in bipolar patients can be attributed to the alternations in the mood especially when the depressive episode predominates as evident in type II bipolar disorder (Levy, 2012).
Co-existing Bipolar Depression Conditions The mMajority of bipolar disorder patients exhibit other conditions. Substance abuse, for instance, some may attempt to alleviate their symptoms with taking alcohol or other drugs. The use of such substances is deemed to precipitate the bipolar symptoms as well as prolonging the presenting symptoms. For example, lithium carbonate. It reduced the rate of neuronal firing in the brain hence decreases excitability. The patient does not go into prolonged depressive state thus preventing the development of suicidal thoughts Lithium Carbonate Søndergård, Lopez, Andersen & Kessing, (2008) indicated the following; Lithium is indicated for prophylaxis of the treatment of mania, bipolar disorder, and self-mutilating behavior. Lithium un-competitively inhibits inositol phosphatase involved in the conversion of inositol monophosphate to inositol; this subsequently hinders re-synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4-5 bisphosphate and second messenger, the initial dose of 1.
g daily in divided doses in adults. These drugs are given as acute intramuscular injections and do still attainmay treat rapid agitation. which may also be present bipolar disorders. These atypical antipsychotic medications that are used in BPD include:; olanzapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole. Olanzapine is specifically indicated for maniac as well as the mixed episode. It can be combined with flouxetine in the management of acute bipolar disorder. p. Psychotherapy Psychotherapy It is “talk therapy” in which the patient is offered guidance, relevant support and education to him/her and the family members around him/her. Some of the psychotherapeutic approaches used are; cognitive behavioral therapy which enables the victim person to think positively thus helping to avert possible suicidal thoughts. Family centered therapy enables the affected family to easily cope up with the condition thus detecting new episodes of what? earlier hence providing support of their family memberpatient.
Psycho-education is where the caregivers or healthcare providers, the patientvictim, and their families are trained on the bipolar disorders and treatments which enables them to provide quality care for to the patient (Levy, 2012, p. Ellard, K. Harland. K. T, (2017) Paulk, A. Widge, A. Groysman, R. Beyond schizophrenia: Living and working with a serious mental illness. Mental Illness, 9(1). doi. org/10. Greil, W. Which clinical factors predict response to prophylactic lithium? A systematic review for bipolar disorders. Bipolar Disorders, 7(5), 404-417. doi. org/10. Bipolar Disorders, 10(1), 87-94. doi. org/10. j. x Mayo Clinic.
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