Should you be able to sell your organs
The act is unlawful, and it is prohibited in many countries across the globe. There are many body organs that people tend to sell such as the kidney which is the most common organ that is donated, but people have turned it into a business. Selling of body organs is illegal in Canada, and no one is allowed to sell body organs as it has legal consequences. Some may argue that organ transplant save lives and therefore selling of body organs should be allowed as it is the only way to meet the demand of body organs in Canada. It is unethical to sell organs, and it is not allowed for one to take part in such transaction. Thus it is evident that people should not be able to sell organs as it is prohibited and it is not advisable for one to take part in such activities.
Many may argue that through selling valuable human resources is just the same as selling oil which is also expensive and this can be used to fight poverty in the society as organs can be expensive. Ethicists argue that it is unethical to sell organs since turning donations into financial gains diminishes the human element. This is the key issue in the journal as it shows the value of the human body and why one can’t turn it into a property. Our bodies are gifts from God, and they are the temple of God, and we can’t just turn it into a property for material gains. The author states that “there are just some things that are not to be bought or sold, or not marketable quantities. ” This is true since the human body is priceless and there is no way that we can come up with the price of organs.
Indeed, one can have tattoos or scars, but not UPC codes that can be scanned to show a price of an organ. Buying or selling of organs contradicts with what we stand for as humans we deserve better than that, and it is against the religious teaching and beliefs. The body is regarded as the sacred or holy things meaning that one cannot put a price on it as we aren’t for sale. Canada does not allow payment for human tissue since that is directly allowing people to take part in organs trafficking which is not acceptable in the society. Even in blood donation hospitals never accept those who want to donate their blood in exchange for material gains. The journal has relevant examples and argues against the selling of human organs.
There are examples of how the sale of organs is against the Canadian law, and it is unethical as well. All relevant issues are addressed, and therefore there is need to ban the selling of human organs. There is demand of kidney transplant in Canada which cannot be met by the current system which only encourages donations of organs instead of selling and these force individuals to take part in organ trafficking to meet the demand. According to the kidney foundation of Canada, there are many Canadians who are on dialysis and the number keeps on increasing each day. The procedure is expensive, and it drains the patient both physically and mentally. There are over three thousand five hundred Canadians waiting for a transplant and the number is also increasing as well (Kline, 2013).
These are some of the factors that compel individuals to take a shortcut in getting the organ for transplant and save lives. For those who do it without medical checkup end up suffering after they realize the process wasn’t successful. Selling and buying of the organs encourage exploitation of the poor, and this is one of the reasons that the act should not be allowed in the society. Voluntary transactions should be encouraged, and in such transaction one is not allowed to receive any financial gains as that will be against the law. Monetary incentive affects the number of individuals willing to donate the organ for free thus the Canadian government has restricted the buying and selling of organs as it impacts the number of donations. It is wrong to sell an organ, and the transaction should not be legalized in any state.
There are various strategies that the government use to meet the organ demand which is through donation, and the majority of the donors are the deceased. The problem with organs obtained from deceased donors is that recipient doesn’t live for long. Therefore, people tend to prefer organs from the living, and that is the reason why people buy from willing sellers. Live donation seems safe, and the majority prefers it. Due to high demand, some people have decided to take part in the illegal selling of organs. Black markets have contributed to misery whereby most of the sellers have been abused in one way or the other, and if this is not restricted in time, then more will suffer. The author urges that the selling of organs is unethical therefore black markets should be eliminated from the society, and the medical staff who take part in this illegal process need to observe integrity.
The article addresses legal matters as far as selling of organs is concerned and gives relevant examples of how the selling of organs is unethical. The journal also offers suggestions on how the problem should be handled and cites specific examples that have worked for other nations. According to the author if the selling of organs is legalized in the world then the poor will be on the losing sides since they could be forced to sell their organs to pay taxes and other debts. thestar. com/news/2008/02/10/who_owns_your_body. html Jesse, K. May 1). Jesse Kline on selling organs: Don't let high-minded ideals get in the way of saving lives.
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