Different types of observations on a young person in a school setting

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Subject Area:Education

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Some children develop at a higher rate than others depending on the different circumstances of life. Moreover, children grow physically in such a way that they gain full control of the muscles and while they also develop physically from head to the toe. Also, children advance in their communication abilities from simple to complex words. Language progress includes understanding and acquiring language, developing terminology and additionally, body language. It is crucial to understand how children grow either physically, intellectually, or even emotionally. Observation technique Narrative on communication development I observed Alex on the 5th December 2017 from 10. am to 10. am during his Gardening lesson the subject was the life cycle of butterflies. The teacher asked if someone in the classroom can say something about the life cycle of a butterfly. Alex's Learner Supporting Assistant (LSA) asked him to give an answer he replies that the teacher had to call his name first.

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It cannot be considered to be a bad character for Alex because it is a clear demonstration of how discipline is of importance to Alex particularly. The other thing that I observed about my student must be given enough time to process the question and formulate his response. He also has difficulty with concept of time and interchanges past, present and future events. For something that occurred the previous week Alex has referred to it as yesterday. I noticed that is his vocabulary need to improve. Alex needs to improve his language skills, basic employability skills and his independence skills, and he is currently working at ASDAN Personal Progress Entry level 1. I observed that Alex was able to learn how to follow the routine although he had to be reminded severally on the routine matters.

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Moreover, Alex was able to grasp most of the concepts throug. Also, I noted that Alex at most of the times was able to understand most of the ideas when they were broken down for him. Research has shown that children think in strikingly different ways from adults. Piaget emphasized the cruciality of schemas in cognitive growth and described the process through which they were gained or acquired. A schema can be well-defined as a set of related mental images of the world, which we use both to comprehend and to retort to conditions. The postulation is that we stockpile these cerebral representations and apply them when desired. They contribute mainly to what we all know as thinking and reasoning in general. For my student, the patterns of the schemas seemed to be disrupted due to his disability.

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Narrative for the physical conditions of Alex 6th December 2017 observation made during Gardening lesson from 1h. pm to 1h. Alex left the classroom pushing the gardening trolley the poly-tunnel while talking with the rest of the students. When they reached the poly-tunnel, he showed his hand to his (LSA), she put his gardening gloves and apron. After preparing for gardening, the teacher asked them to fill a pot with soil and compost. To wear his apron and gloves, he also needed help. To some people, tasks like those do not need teaching for one to understand. Under this theory, there are several assumptions that people make in regards to the stages and development of young people. First, People pass through phases in a specific order, with each stage building on capacities developed in the earlier phase.

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What this assumption tries to explain is that each development is essential for the development of the next stage. I took some pictures of Alex as he was being carried from one point to the other by his leaner supporting assistant. I was able to determine the circumstances in which Alex needed support mostly. I also captured some situations when he tried to do things by himself whenever the assistant was not around. The photos also captured other things like facial expressions depending on the situations that Alex found himself in. With that, I was able to determine both physical and emotional growth of my student. Child development Child development is a process that occurs to every individual since they are born to their adulthood. Despite the uniqueness of each child’s development, there are those patterns that are most likely to apply to all the children.

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For instance, researchers have determined that the growth of a child starts from the head downwards. This process s known as the cephalocaudal principle. Under this principle, children are known to gain control of their heads, their arms and later their legs. A rich learning institution helps a child develop faster than the usual learning institutions. At the age of 3 and above, a child becomes more independent in such way that he or she can jump up and down and may be climb stair cases and do that other thing that they could not do at the age o one or two. Later, the advancements grow as the child grows with time. Albert Bandura’s theory In social learning theory Albert Bandura (1977) states behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning.

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Unlike Skinner, Bandura (1977) believes that humans are active information processors and think about the relationship between their behavior and its consequences. Therefore its mandatory that internal variables of socializations must be included which in accordance to Albert Bandura theory are rewards and punishments together with attitudes and beliefs. According to social learning theory socialization which is equated to learning can occur through observing a behavior together with the consequences of that behavior what has been referred as vicarious reinforcement. This is where the desired behavior is upheld simply because the undesired behavior comes with an unpleasant punishment. Therefore the young and growing people learn to uphold and abide by the norms, customs and ideologies perceived correct and not punishable. Equally also people will choose unconsciously to stick to the behaviors that bring forth god rewards and shun away the ones punishable.

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g. masculine and feminine, pro and anti-social etc. Children pay attention to some of these people (models) and encode their behavior. At a later time they may imitate (i. e. This is known as vicarious reinforcement. This relates to attachment to specific models that possess qualities seen as rewarding. Children will have a number of models with whom they identify. These may be people in their immediate world, such as parents or elder siblings, or could be fantasy characters or people in the media. The motivation to identify with a particular model is that they have a quality which the individual would like to possess. According to Bandura there are three types of modeling which in my opinion are what we draw the implication to childrearing Firstly we have live model in which an actual person is demonstrating the desired behavior.

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In this case the caregivers are able to imprint the right behavior in their children since they only need to demonstrate the desired behavior in the presence of the target. Since according to the theory, cognitively the child registers the expected behavior acquired socially from those around them. For example children can be taught the importance of washing hands after visiting the toilets. This can be demonstrated by the adults for the young ones to emulate. Additionally, teachers can shape the classroom behavior of students by modeling appropriate behavior and visibly rewarding students for good behavior by emphasizing the teacher’s role as role model and encouraging the students to adopt the position of the observer, the teacher can make knowledge and practice explicit to students enhancing their learning outcomes. What would you recommend to the county government with reference to the implication of the theory to education? As already discussed, this theory of Albert bandura has sound implication on school psychology.

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Since classroom and teaching strategies draws principles of social learning to enhance student knowledge acquisition and retention. In order to learn, observers in this case the students must attend to the modeled behavior. Attention is impacted by the characteristics of the observer for example perception abilities, cognitive abilities, arousal and past performance. Stories of experience and narrative inquiry. Educational Researcher 19. Thomas, R. Murray. Comparing theories of child development. Child Development: Theory and Practice. Harlow: Longman Farrell, M. Foundations of Special Education: An Introduction. Chester: John Wiley Featherstone, S. Catching Them At It! London: A & C Black. org/piaget. html [Accessed 15 Jan. Sagepub. com. Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. edu/15361799/Unit_1_Understand_Child_and_Young_Person_Development [Accessed 15 Jan. Albert Bandura”social learning through imitation” in Marshall R. JONES, ed.

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Nebraska symposium on motivation: 1962. university of Nebraska press, 1962 Albert Bandura, “influence of models’ reinforcement contingencies on the Acquisition of imitative responses.

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