Teachers Attitudes toward Using Assistive Technology Students Intellectual Disability In Saudi Arabia
Henceforth there has been a number programs that offer services for people who have different forms of intellectual disabilities. The major intellectual disabilities include down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Students with or without disabilities, high school education is a critical point in their life as each year form the basis for the next class. Students with intellectual disabilities have been faced a lot of hardships for the longest time when it comes to accessing the school curriculum. It has always been caused by the limitations that are posed by the traditional teaching methods. The literature review aspect will look at the issue based on an approach that will look at some of the disabilities that can be experienced by children and later on, providing a literature review as to how this has been approached in the past.
It will look at specifically two disorders that include Down syndrome and Autism among children and how it impacts their learning capabilities. Down syndrome. According to (Alwesmi, Ballard, and Francis, 2010), Down Syndrome is one of the intellectual disabilities. It is caused by abnormalities in the chromosomes. Has reported that out of every 68 children, 1 has autism reflects the United States which paints the global picture since Saudi Arabia does not have sufficient data on autism. Autisms children can be recognized based on some abnormalities in communication, behavior and social interaction. Consequently, they also have an inability in performing specific activities. According to Angarita and Kolevzon (2017), children who have autism face challenges in their education which affects them negatively. ICT in Saudi Arabia Educational System. Examination of schools in Saudi Arabia found that one of the main challenges facing the use of assistive technology is the lack of trained and confident teachers to pursue ICT lessons (Wiseman, Al-bakr, Davidson, and Bruce, 2017).
Other limitations that have were identified are lack of sufficient time allocation to computer classes and lack of adequate support for the school administrators on the use of the assistive technology. Teacher’s perception of the use of assistive technology. In some studies that have been carried out on the use of assistive technology in teaching students with the intellectual disability has proven to be a critical achievement for an effective education program for the intellectually disabled children. With the use of Computer, Assisted Instructions helps in developing the reading skills of the children who have intellectual students and also helps in enhancing the listening skills vocabulary and language which is especially suitable for the children with Down syndrome. Teachers have the potential to influence the learning interactions of the students, and this would be significant in shaping the platform to better cater to the needs of the students.
References Alenezi, A. Influences of the mandated presence of ICT in Saudi Arabia secondary schools. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(8), 638. Alghamdi, A. Ballard, C. Francis, P. T. THE RELATIONSHIP OF SYNAPTIC PROTEINS WITH AGE IN DOWN SYNDROME. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 13(7), P1003. Rethinking the concepts of ‘local or global processors’: evidence of Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Developmental Science, 19(3), 452-468. Jastaniah, W. Alsultan, A. Al Drama, S. Yu, W. American Academy of Pediatrics. Autism Spectrum Disorders. Wiseman, A. W. Karmiloff-Smith, A. Nizetic, D. Tybulewicz, V. L. Strydom, A.
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