Do Your Tattoos Limit Your Career

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Today, the prevalence of persons with tattoos is approximated at ten percent in Australia and Europe. In the United States, persons with tattoos are estimated to be at twenty-four percent based on a survey of persons between the ages of 18 and 50 years (IRIMIE 125). Even though the number of people getting tattoos today is on the increase but the matter of prospective employers having an issue with tattooed people is among the top reasons some people are hesitant about having them in the first place. With tattoos becoming highly acceptable in the society today, in and out of the workplaces, the question of whether job seekers are putting their careers at risk is an issue of special interest. In the past, there are individuals who have jeopardized their careers by having body tattoos.

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At other times, getting a tattoo may be a symbol of change in the life of an individual. Such changes whether little they may appear, always have a great impact on the identity of an individual. Normally, when an individual decides to acquire a tattoo, they are trying to demonstrate their maturity by eventually being able to take matters into their hands and make their own decisions. Besides being used for expression, tattooing is also protected by the constitution as a human right in the First Amendment of the constitution. A panel of judges in the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals claimed that tattooing is a form of speech that does not lose protection under the constitution based on the type of surface it has been applied to (Williams).

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This can only be achieved by modernizing their cultural work environment. Also, most employers have a conferred interest in recruiting the most skilled candidates with great qualifications for their job positions irrespective of whether they are tattooed or not. Also, workplace policies tend to vary among and within different industries. However, with the modern companies emphasizing on commitments to the concept of diversity and inclusion, tattooing is highly turning out to be an issue of little interest. Some companies do not have a formal policy in regards to tattoos since they value the differences among the employees and recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion which plays the major role of enhancing the performance of a company as well as strengthening the company in the competitive business landscape (Hennessey n.

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Most organizations do not have an issue with a little visible ink on the body provided that it is not offensive. In addition, tattoos that are not visible are always often allowed. Thus, if the tattoos of an individual are not highly exposed, he/she could easily cover them up and he/she will rarely have issues with the upper management of the organization even if they are aware of it. Eventually, it is only an individual who decides how they want to live their life. Some organizations do not consider not have problems with people with tattoos provided that these individuals are mindful of their expectations and requirements. In such an industry, individualism and creativity are always encouraged. Thus, people with tattoos may still have job opportunities depending on the careers they decide to pursue.

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Tattoos do not have an effect on a person’s moral character. Irrespective of the type of profession, tattoos are not a reflection of poor choice in recruitment or poor work ethic. Based on a survey that was conducted in 2016 by Ipsos MORI, 81 percent of the participants claimed that visible tattoos do not impact the confidence the ability of a policeman to his job. As well, they may help to promote unity among a group of individuals through intentional positive messages. For example, the mental health community has adopted the use of tattoos of the semicolon to symbolize surviving suicidal ideations and depression (Goldring n. p). Therefore, tattoos may no longer limit a person’s career since they may be encouraged for the purpose of communicating or sharing positive ideas or information.

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Tattoos may help to enhance the image of a company. p) Body modifications such as tattoos and piercings are becoming more approved in the society as a form of expression. Therefore, tattoos are a major part of the cultural landscape in some cosmopolitan cities such as Los Angeles. For instance, in the past, approximately 1 out of 100 people had tattoos in the country. But today. 1 out of 10 American citizens have tattoos (Goldring n. p). Also, such people are genuinely truthful and therefore individuals who should be given a chance at their careers rather than be discriminated because of their tattoos. Besides, such people who are strong at heart are always resilient and cannot be limited in their careers because of their tattoos since they will struggle to find an alternative option and work where they can feel accepted.

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