Driving while high is as dangerous as driving and texting

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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These habits have given rise to the argument regarding which one of the two is more detrimental than the other. Is it more dangerous to drive while texting, or does driving while high cause a more fatal outcome? The importance of the study is that it will create awareness regarding the negative outcomes of the two habits because a majority of American are not informed on how detrimental either of the actions are to themselves and the rest of the community. More individuals take up the habit of driving and texting or driving while high because they are confident that the danger of the two habits is non-existent. There are numerous studies that dispute this notion and bring to light the dangers surrounding the fatal outcomes of either driving while high or while texting.

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For instance, in reference to the texting and driving statistics, out of every four crushes in the United States, one of them was as a result of driving while texting. There needs to be additional information regarding the extent of damage that could result from texting and driving. The gathering of such information would aid in the creation of awareness regarding the dangerous habit. As for driving while high, it is essential for additional research to be carried out on the aspects that make it dangerous. Additional information could also be in reference to the determination of a means of a standard means of detecting when drivers are under the influence of marijuana. The new knowledge from the study would serve various drivers with information regarding the detrimental consequences of driving while high or texting.

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The result would be the reduction of road accidents (Goniewicz, Goniewicz and Pawłowski 438). Purpose of the Study New research is essential with respect to the illustration of a clarification of which of the two is more dangerous, driving while high on marijuana or texting. The results of the research will serve to create awareness of the extent to which driving while either high or while texting could be detrimental to the driver and the surrounding community (Goniewicz, Goniewicz and Pawłowski 435). Most drivers are under the notion that checking or responding to a text message while driving is a harmless act. Furthermore, with the increase in the teenage drivers every year, these are the most generation of victims likely to feel the need to keep up with their phones frequently.

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The originality of the inquiry stems from the absence of comparative studies in relation to the outcomes of either driving while high or texting while high. Furthermore, through the investigation, a variety of individuals ranging from teenagers to adults are addressed. Research Questions. The research question is; Is driving while high more dangerous than driving while texting. The research question is quantitative. Research Design The question regarding which of the two habits is more detrimental, driving and texting or driving while high will be answered through a quantitative comparative study. The quantitative aspects stem from the fact that statistics regarding the number of accidents that would have resulted from either of the two habits will be collected for the past five years. The figures collected would be separated and sums and averages would be created.

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From these sums and averages, it would be easier to demonstrate which of the two habits would cause the most detrimental outcomes. The statistics would be evaluated on a variety of angles such as which age groups ranging from teenagers to adults. Works Cited Arterberry, Brooke J. et al. Marijuana Use, Driving, and Related Cognitions. Psychol Addict Behav. September vol. Road accident rates: strategies and programmes for improving road traffic safety. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery vol. no. pp. Musshoff, Frank, et al. Shults and Danice K. Eaton. Texting while driving and other risky motor vehicle behaviors among US high school students. Pediatrics vol. no.

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