Drug Abuse and its Impacts as a Major Issue

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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‘Understanding Drug Use and Abuse' report students in private institutions are more likely to engage in drug abuse compared to their counterparts from public institutions. Johnston et al, (268) highlighted that the occurrence of drug abuse elevates with age from the onset of adolescence to the peaks of early adulthood. Drug abuse is mostly the result of curiosity and experimentation which puts the user under the risk of persistence in the usage. Drug abuse has several implications that affect across from an individual to the whole society. This paper will focus on drug abuse and its impacts as a major issue. This kind of frustration may lead the other spouse into a state of frustration and or fatigue. Czechowicz, Dorynne, (vol.  14, no.  2), ‘Adolescent Alcohol and Drug and its Consequences' highlight that frustrations resulting from such behavior can make the other party neglect parental roles, losing effort in their work, and completely reduce the effort they previously had in taking care of themselves.

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Drug abuse does not only affect spouse but also children whether biological or adopted. Families and communities play a vital role in shaping the behavior, attitudes, and values of children. But this influence cannot be compared to the influence to the influence that individuals experience from their peers especially during the adolescence and or youth phase. Studies have shown that peer and parental influences are synergistic. This is evident especially when looking at the use of marijuana as an example. It is evident that individuals who smoke marijuana learn this habit from the peers or from their parents Grant, Bridget F. It is estimated that across the world, tobacco and alcohol account for over five million deaths each year and the number is expected to rise if necessary measures are not taken soon.

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This number only represents deaths, we have not looked at factors such as diseases, dysfunctions, and disabilities that arise from drug abuse Knopf, Alison. vol.  27, no.  38, pp. Alcohol and other substances also contribute to this statics of deaths, diseases, and dysfunctions. The harm of these substances does not only affect the users but also those that are around them. Such indirect harm may include deaths due to drunk driving, passive smoking, fires, crime, and violence. Drug abuse is also closely associated with the spread of HIV and AIDs. HIV virus is spread through unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood and sharing or piercing objects with infected persons. Involving education in controlling drug abuse, we tend to use a slow and indirect approach which will, however, produce effective results in the wrong run.

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Education involves a more comprehensive approach that focuses on parental involvement as well as gradual changes that will help reduce the instances of experimentation of drugs and periodic and occasional drug use Madras, Bertha, (pp. In many societies, adolescence is seen as a period of transition, it is a transition from childhood to adulthood. It is in this transition that individuals tend to create their own self-identities. This creation is enhanced when these individuals break the ties they had with their parents and start creating new ties with people outside the family kinship. What one country considers a crime may be legal in another country. This case, however, does not apply when it comes to drug abuse because the international drug treaties provide a universal conceptual framework. These treaties have compulsions that mandate penal provisions in national law for illegal offenses.

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For an example, the illegal production, supply, and possession of drugs comprise to crime. In most instances, drugs increase the chances of non-drug related crimes to occur, and in addition, drugs are closely linked to other significant problems such as illegal possession of guns, terrorism, and violence. In the United State, there are periodic examinations that are conducted on arrestees in facilities such as prisons. In cities such as New York and Philadelphia, 76% of arrestees who had committed crimes tested positive in the drug tests. Majority of these individuals when interviewed confirmed that they were sharing needles. A portion of these arrestees who had committed non-drug related offenses tested positive for cocaine, and other tested positive for other substances. A significant number of these arrestees faced a high risk of being infected by the HIV virus and other blood-borne infections.

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Evaluation: Moreover, the paper gives a good entry point to analyze other texts that I intend to use for my study. Czechowicz, Dorynne. Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Its Consequences— An Overview. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, vol. no. This is an article that focuses on child abuse, neglect, abd household dysfunctions that are associated with drug abuse. Grant, Bridget F. Comorbidity between DSM-IV drug use disorders and major depression: Results of a national survey of adults. Journal of Substance Abuse, vol. no. Citation) Summary: The paper differentiates between drug abuse, drug use, and drug dependence. Reflection: This makes it an important tool as it clarifies how the three are different. It also clarifies which factor leads to another. Evaluation: Giving clear distinction between use, abuse, and dependence on drugs, the study contributes greatly to my study.

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Madras, Bertha. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, pp. Citation) Summary: This paper is a research that seeks to find how epidemiology of drug abuse leads to its subsequent prevention. Reflection: With many cases of drug abuse being reported, understanding its epidemiology and prevention has become a useful subject. Evaluation: The research paper is credible for my research since it not only describes the epidemiology of drug abuse but also to gives ways that drug abuse can be prevented and managed. Wang, Shu-Ming.  Archives of general psychiatry52. Summary. This paper explains the prevelence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorder in the US and indicates several resulst of studies conducted by qualified individuals.

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