Effect of Growth Regulators on Plants

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Other

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but not guava in this section). GA3 also known as Gibberellic acid is a hormone found in plants and fungi. It is basically used to promote growth in plants and seedlings making this role its most important function. Commercially, it is used to break plants dormancy, stimulate germination, and slow down or speed up the growth of certain fruit-bearing plants. Its effect on the development of plants includes stimulation of fast growth in the stems and roots. It was observed that the hormone intensified flowering by between 63% to 90% with the control experiment registering 100% flowering. The experiment also revealed that GA3 improved the occurrence of mixed shoots from 6 to 13% when in the control it was only 2% (Nour 2007). Hybridizing also is a functionality of GA3 which forces pollination within self-incompatible clones and closely related species by applying GA and cytokinin to the blooms during hand pollination.

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Frost protection is also among the functionality of GA3, spraying is done to the fruit threes during the full blossom or when the blossoms start to wither which can counterbalance the detrimental effects of frost. GA3 also increases growth and finally, it enhances root formation (Ahmed & Abu 2003). Plants under GA3 treatment also require lots of fertilizer for the best outcomes. In applying GA3 to seeds for purposes of breaking dormancy, ranges of between 200 ppm up to 500 ppm should be applied although in certain circumstances; up to 1000 ppm solutions may be applied. Sometimes this poses challenges when seeds elongate in certain plants. Maleic hydrazide, what it is, what it does. Examples of use on other fruit (not guava in this section). It is also used to delay blossoming in fruits such as strawberry and other fruits (Meena, Singh & Singh 2017).

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It is also applicable in suppression of grass growth where its growth is not required. The use of maleic hydrazine in strawberry has often been associated with its ability to delay blossoming in strawberry fruits. From research experiment, it was found out that blossoming in strawberry was temporarily stopped after treatment of fruits with about 1000ppm of MH. Ahmed & Abu 2003) reported that growth of tomato plants can be repressed by about two months when a solution of melaic hydrazide was applied. Early abscission of fruits also occurs when flowering apple trees in their initial pink stage are treated with MH solutions in the range of 01. to 0. No retardation was observed but the development of flowers was clear and early abscission was also noted across the different levels of concentrations (Kher, Bhat & Wali 2005).

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Maleic hydrazine also when sprayed on the American holly, induces parthenocapy. An aqueous solution in the range of 0. e. pulp/seed ratio, TSS, sugar, acidity and ascorbic acid substance in guava of various treatments (Dashora 2001). NAA application expanded every one of these ingredients with the exception of acidity which was decreased; similar treatment demonstrated as best in decreasing fruit drop and created preferable fruit over every other treatment. b) GA3 (Gibberellic Acid). Experiments were conducted so as to discover the impact of GA3 concentration and application timing on fruit quality advancement of guava. GA3 is thus instrumental in prolonging the life of the guava fruit on the tree. With 50 ppm treatment with gibberellic acid, maturity of guavas can also be greatly delayed. Because guavas are highly perishable with their market being down during peak harvest, pre-harvest losses can therefore be highly minimized if the period of harvest is prolonged by applying GA3 to offer on-tree storage.

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This ensures higher returns particularly beyond the peak harvest season (Nour 2013). References Ahmed, I. Kher, R. Bhat, S. Wali, V. K. Effect of foliar application of GA~ 3, NAA and CCC on physico-chemical characteristics of guava cv. A Review on Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Physico-Chemical Attributes of Phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis DC).  Int. J. Curr. Microbiol.  Asian Journal of Horticulture, 8(1), 54-56. Nickell, L. G.  Plant growth regulating chemicals (Vol. CRC Press.

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