To what extent has the fly ash content near OPG Power in Mundhra decreased
This is what is referred to as the fly ash. It has different chemical components but most of it are bi-products of the burning of coal to power the Geothermal Plant. The components that make up the fly ash in the air are harmful and cause air pollution. The air pollution regulators have set the safety range of this material is in the air which is measured in micrograms per cubic meter. Increased levels of this materials in the air is not healthy. Fly ash is composed of large quantities of Alumina, silica, ferric oxides, unburnt carbon, and alkalies, and lime is fairly available in the fly ash in a fair amount quantity 1. Fly ash is diverse. Its characteristics differ depending on the coal that is used in the power plant, as well as the combustion technique that is used.
The hollow spherical particles in fly ash that are called the Cenosphere are believed to be formed by the expansion of H2O and CO2 gas. These minerals evolved when the coal is in the process of burning. This is a representation of 5 years which is enough to observe the change in fly ash in the atmosphere. Dependent Variable: Fly ash in the atmosphere that were measured and its average recorded each year measured in tonnes. Controlled variable: Electrostatic Precipitator – The factories that use the electrostatic precipitator are compared to those that do not use them. The number of companies whose data is examined – The number of companies used are the sample size that acts as a representation of the whole factories that produce the fly ash. The second unit of OPG power plant that electrostatic precipitator is not installed because of observation purposes.
This legislation 3 has promoted the utilization of fly ash is the manufacture of bricks and is now being used to make building materials. This legislation works in areas that are in the vicinity of thermal plants that generate the fly ash. Considering, the number of bricks manufactured in 2002-03 which was 1. million and 3. million recorded three years later 2006-07. mm. The period in which observations were done was 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Collecting data from these years will give a general trend of the movement of these substances. The substances were measured on their concentration per cubic-meter volume. The values that were obtained were to be compared with the department of environment permissible levels in the environment and a conclusion drawn. Pollutants Average (µg/M³) 47. Pollutants Average (µg/M³) 47. Figure 1-Graph showing average pollutants for 2013 for the different companies Figure 2-Graph showing average pollutants for 2014 for the different companies Figure 3-Graph showing average pollutants for 2015 for the different companies Figure 4-Graph showing average pollutants for 2016 for the different companies Table 5- Adani Actuals Unit 2 Figure 5-Graph showing average pollutants for 2017 for the different companies Figure 6-A trajectory graph of average pollutants from 2013 to 2017 Discussion and Analysis Among the five companies, two of them have pollutants that are below the permissible level as seen in Figure 6 above.
OPGS Unit 1 Actuals and Adani Actuals are the two factories. This can be explained by the use of an electrostatic precipitator. This represents a value of 41. which is a very huge gap. The pollution rates of these three factories that do not have electrostatic precipitators are recorded to be high. This The Electrostatic precipitator collects the fly ash and prevents the plant from conveying it to the atmosphere. This is helpful as the fly ash collected can now be put to other forms of uses. The utilization is low as compared to the production of fly ash. What is worrying is that the production of fly ash grows by the day and a new way of disposing of it or using it should be found. Another area of research should be to test the amounts of fly ash that is available in the air, compared with the utilization of the various firms.
Application and solution The fly ash can be a hazard if not treated well. This, however, is not the case if alternate ways can be found to be used for this case. A NEW FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGEMENT OF FLY ASH: INDIA PERSPECTIVE. COAL BASE POWER: ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES, 2016: 1-39. Landman, A. A. Aspects of the solid-state chemistry of fly ash and ultramarine pigments.
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