Effective leadership styles in sports management

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sports

Document 1

Sports activities are highly recommended because they refresh our minds and body after a long day at work. In order to ensure that the sports job is done successfully, it calls for an active leader in the field. Leadership is a behavioral process influencing the groups of people or individuals towards achieving the set goals. Leadership is a key to the success of any investment, either in the private or the public sector as it acts as the driving force. The leader should be able to make improvement of the sport through proper planning, motivation, vision, flexibility, and integrity on the field. The people working in the organization can be made comfortable by the leader if he/she is tactful enough. The leader needs to be considerate as well in order to achieve this goal.

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For instance, the qualities of the sports leader are reflected during the matches and interactive games as well. The teams and individuals are influenced by the sports manager, although in co-active situations. Different leadership styles used in sports A variety of techniques are used by the leaders to ensure that they are successful in their job. The second leadership style is democratic which is the most common one. in this case, the leader is able to delegate responsibilities to the team members as well as involving them at decision making. The main interest of the leader, in this case, is the development of an interpersonal relationship with the other members by consulting from them. The leaders believe that when they assign tasks to the members of the group, the will ensure that they work harder and hence resulting in the success of the team.

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Unity is also developed from the team because of working together to achieve the objective of the team. Issues arising from sports management There are questionable ethics in the sports industry. Many scandals of corruption have been reported in the industry from time to time. Many of the managers make unethical decisions so as to benefit themselves. Maintaining high ethical standards is one of the driving forces of the best managers. Any organization or a team with a manager who maintains high ethical standards is regarded as an asset for the organization (Mitten, et al. They are the people with the ability to take the organization to the next even if they work towards achieving the goals of the organization. Sports managers have the duty of bringing all the members together so that they work for the success of the team.

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A number of leadership styles can be used in the sports industry, and which include democratic, Laissez-Faire, and Autocratic leadership styles. However, the choice of the leadership style which should be used is determined by the condition of the group. For example, the democratic form of leadership can be used in a case whereby there is a moderately favorable situation.  International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(1), 76-96. Mitten, M. J. Davis, T. Smith, R. Servant leadership in sport: A review, synthesis, and applications for sport management classrooms.  Sport Management Education Journal, 12(1), 39-56. Yahaya, R. Ebrahim, F. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: a literature review.

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