Effects of discount offer service quality and customers satistaction on the brand image of jester
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Marketing
The conclusion will in cooperate a summary of the whole report including my comments concerning the report. Research aim and objectives 1. To identify the effect brought about by service quality on the image of jester Airline Company. To examine the actual effects of discount offers on the brand image of the airline company as 3. To understand the relationship between customers’ fulfillment and the actual brand image of jester. Among some of the major functions of the discounts are, to attract new customers, retain the current ones and thus increase the overall sales. Discounts vary greatly according to the situation causing them. For instance, there are four types of discounts. They include one-time purchase discounts, seasonal discounts, dynamic discounts; repeat purchase discounts as well as rewards discounts. In the case of airlines such as jester dynamic discounts are applied which enhances the actual process filling seats.
Therefore, in connection with price, quality, value, model and means-end model, there is a high likely hood of the consumers to conclude that the products, which are highly discounted, are of lower value. The journals further suggest that discounts are normally used in the case whereby the products are of short life cycle. The methodology used by both accounts seem to be perfect for that kind of research. While the first journal uses questioners as method of data, collection it happens to address all sort of research question and clarify the issue in general. The second journal applies interviews as a method of data collection and thus clarifies further on the impact discounts has on the business brand. The second journal for this part is entitled “Service quality measurement in the Chinese corporate Banking market” written by Guo (2008) defines Service quality as a tape measure, which is put across to meet customers’ needs and expectations by the service.
It is the actual transformation between the expectations of customers concerning service and the specific services received. Service quality as a concept constitutes the service delivery process as well as results offered services. Process quality as an element of services quality entails delivery of quality services to different consumers in regards to the specific nature of consumption as well as the production of services. Contrary to process quality, output quality is concerned with evaluation after creating service and presenting them. The second journal argues that, service quality has triggered an increase in the overall rate of competition within the market. With the increase in customers, expectation organization is forced to upgrade service quality to retain and attract customers. This enables customers to get quality services at affordable prices. Besides that, service quality leads to customer’s satisfaction.
The methodology used in both articles is quite relevant and seems to be perfect for the research in question. Loyalty involves emotional attachment to the brand in question and thus making it hard for customers to quite on your brand. The journal suggests that an optimum of 30% of total human behavior as well as decisions are normally driven by rational consideration. This translates to the fact that almost two-thirds of the consumers spending and loyalty are majorly based on the level of some emotional factors The second journal is entitled “Service quality dimensions and superior customer perceived Value in retail banks written by Vera et al (2013) argues that as much as customer’s satisfaction plays a major role in attracting customer’s business organization should target winning customer’s loyalty. This is because customers loyalty entails emotional attachment of the customers to the brand and thus even when offered a bigger incentive by their competitors they will remain loyal to your brand.
Therefore, according to the article customers, satisfaction store should not be used as a measure of finding out the attachment of the customers to the brand. This measure is very useful since through answering questions the owner of the business can be in position to know where to improve. The second journal uses interviews to collect data from customers. This seems to be more accurate than questionnaires since the interviewer can be in position gauge the level of honesty. The journals suggests that, in the event where business is highly competing for customers, customer’s satisfaction can be used as a key differentiator enabling a brand to be in a position to attract new customers in a competitive market. In most case, those particular businesses, which tend to thrive in those hostile environments, happen to be the ones, which make have a good customer satisfaction strategy.
Since the journals uses interview as a method of data collection it does not seem to be perfect since there are other variables, which affect the image of a company largely. Therefore relying on data collected from customers concerning their level of satisfaction can fail to be perfect to view for the brand image. Two or three methods of data collection should be put in place in order to extract the exact information. This means that for those customers who have not visited the brand have low chances of buying products or services from the same place. At the end of the day, the brand will experience the shortage of customers and thus low profitability. Discount offers are usually appropriate in the case where the business is undergoing a period of low sales.
The discounts act as incentives meant to attract and retain customers. Despite having discounts, it is important for organization management to note that service quality is key to attracting and maintaining customers. When a customer is well served, there are high chances that he /she will not only come but also come with a friend. This is brought about customer’s satisfaction, which triggers him or her to come back for more services or products. Marketing Sci. Ailawadi, Kusum, Scott A. Neslin. The effect of promotion on consumption. Buying more and consuming it faster. Duff, A. Hair, M. Service quality measurement in the Chinese corporate banking market. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26(5), 305-327. Kang, G. nl/show. cgi?fid=3126. Accessed on 11 September 2013 ISSN:2321-1098 284 | Page References: Aaker D. A (1991), "Managing brand equity, capitalizing on the value of a brand name", New York: The Free Press.
Amine A. Psychology and Marketing, 14(8), 737–756 Brealey, R. Myers, S. C. Marcus, A. J.
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