Effects of technology

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

In the 20th century, technology experienced a drastic change in up to the current century which has led to numerous effects in the society (Melville). Technological advancement has had its effects felt in the education sector, industries, impact on children, and the agricultural sector. The notable shift in the behavior and interactions in the society is attributed to the innovation of machines and systems which is utilized in different sectors in the society. The innovation of computer and its preceding modification is highly associated with the tremendous change in technological advancement. For us to be able to see a clear distinction on the effects which technology have had in the society, it becomes prudent to consider put into comparison the way society was before the innovation of technology and after the introduction of technology.

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Subjecting children to the computers at a tender age can easily result in the moral decay, this is because with the computer more information can be accessed which can influence children negatively. For example, if the computer accessibility is not filtered, children can be exposed to immoral information like sexual information which has a negative impact on the life of teens. Technology has had an impact on how people interact in society (Burkhardt, Marlene, & Daniel). Telephone came into existence as a result of technology, and its utilization has made it easy for communication to take place between people who are far much apart, this type of communication initially could have only taken place after meeting face to face with each other.

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Utilization of telephone in communication have also had a negative impact on the society; there has been reported cases telephone has been utilized in orchestrating for terror attacks. Technology has been utilized to in reaching out to a larger market for the products (Melville, Nigel, Kenneth, & Vijay). With the adoption of technology in the business sector, customer relations have been bolstered; this has been achieved by ensuring that the customer data is kept and concerning it in future, the business owner will be able to determine what exactly is needed by the client. With technology, communication between the business owners and the customers have been eased, and the customer can order for goods through e-mail or phone calls which are the results of technology (Traynor).

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According to Melville, “the volume of production in the business premise has been increased by the adoption of technology. ” Utilization of machines in the production process increases the output of the business, and the quality of products will be increased. With the installed software in the computer, the computation of various data has been eased and accuracy enhanced as a result of the advancement in technology. According to Bridge, “the data stored in a computer can be kept for long without anything tampering with it. ” This will be achieved if the desired security is provided. Due to the ability of computers to store voluminous data, many industries and companies have opted to employ computers in storing their information since it is the safest way to store data.

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Despite the tremendous positive impact which technology has had in society, it also has also caused vices in the society which have negatively impacted (Bélanger, France, & Robert). Research has indicated that with the continuous use of technology, addiction will arise; thus, a person will be spending more of his or her time interacting with the phone instead of doing constructive services in the society. According to David Bell, “technology and are kept separate, even held in opposition to one another, technology causes social change. ” Continual use of technology has made people shun away from the reality of society and adopt a virtual environment. The relationship between people has been affected negatively; this resulted because people assume that there is no need to interact with one another face to face and they prefer to conduct communication through phone calls and emails thus hurting how people interact.

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