Essay on Opioid Addiction Crisis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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When one gets addicted to drugs, the brains get affected in ways that make quitting hard even when one is willing to. Luckily, research has been conducted on drug effects on the brain and treatment has been found where drug addicts can get treatment and lead productive lives in the society. In the US among opioid medications are among the drugs that are highly abused because they are so addictive. This essay will analyze how extreme is the opioid crisis in America and how is the society handling it to bring back the human aspect that was in existence before the crisis. Over years, chronic pains have continued to prevail and health costs have exploded and in return, the adverse consequences of the opioid epidemic have escalated.

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In article by CNN, overdose deaths of more than 63,600 people in the US were reported where 42,249 (66. 4%) deaths were opioid users. This translates to an average of 115 opioid deaths every day. From 1992-2012, the number of opioid prescriptions dispensed by doctors has increased drastically from 112 million to 282 prescriptions where the peak crisis came in 2015. This number has decreased to 236 million prescriptions in 2016 this is according to IMS Health, a market research. The statistics clearly gives a reason why this is a matter that should be addressed to everyone. In addition to the opioid crisis, lack of efficiency in opioids distribution to non-cancer pain is increasing and evidence of several physiologic and non-physiologic effects that are emerging. These effects include misuse and abuse, opioid hyperalgesia, and the failure to recognize, control and regulate opioid misuse and abuse this is according to Laxmaiah Manchikanti et al, (2012).

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Every day people are losing lives because of opioid overdose. Drug poisoning in the US reported that every 36 minutes opioids contribute to one death in 2008. In 2012, among the prisoners found in jail 6. 5% of them were arrested because of heroin offenses while 3. 5% is charged with drug offense classified as "others" which includes prescribed painkillers. It is clear that when not used correctly as prescribed, opioids enslaves and destroys the lives of those using it. These drugs affect the brain by disrupting the pain signal and activating some areas of the brains which release a hormone called dopamine which creates a feeling of a "high". In our education system, drugs are not incorporated. Not only should doctors be trained on drug addiction and its effects on human life but also, people of the nation also should be trained.

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Teaching in schools the value of life and how drugs can destroy it will help in reducing the number of lives that are destroyed by addiction and overdose. Zgierska,et al in their study continue to state that education should be introduced in schools so that the country can have a generation that has enough knowledge of the purpose of life and so they will able to face the crisis of drug addiction. Doubling down the distinction between dealers and users is also a step in the right direction on improving the outcomes of fighting opioid outcomes. As a country, it is our responsibility to make sure that drug addiction is dealt with before it even starts and by doing so we will be able to save lives and money than when dealing with addiction.

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